Information theoretic co-clustering

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Information theoretic co-clustering based on julia implementation of https://github.com/slongwell/ITCC

M1,q,cX,cY,clustered,Error = ITCC(data, k, l, n_iters, convergeThresh, cX, cY)


data: A joint probability matrix (non-negative) k: Number of row-clusters
l: Number of column-clusters
n_iters: Maximum number of iterations
convergeThresh: Threshold at which algroithm has is said to have converged, i.e. KL-D between p and q has not decreased significantly between iterations
cX: Initial row-cluster assignments cY: Initial column-cluster assignments


M1 : sorted p cX: Final row-cluster assignments
cY: Final column-cluster assignmnents
q: Final q
clsutered: View of p given final cX and cY
Error: error of clustering through iterations