
Basic HTML programming expertise is an important skill for Computer Science graduates.  

In creating a web page you can think of the Content Layer as being the basic HTML. The Presentation Layer is the CSS, and the Behavior Layer as the javascript.
For this assignment, you'll need to create a web page portfolio that will showcase the different projects you have/will done. You can look at freecodecamp portfolio project for an example of a portfolio, but you can do something much simpler. A major part of the assignment is to make your page look good, so make sure to spend some time on that.

A portfolio should (and yours must) include at least the following sections defined in your index.html file in this repository:

  • A brief about section (similar to a resume objective statement but with more information about you)
  • Projects (include at least 3, even if they're super simple HTML pages)
  • A work experience section (This would be a good place for your lists)
  • Links to sites like github and linkedin where someone could learn more

Your page should have at least the following specific elements:

  • lists (Ordered and Unordered with at least 2 items)
  • different background colors for different sections (not each piece, but like header/footer/main content/etc)
  • images (at least 2)
  • links to other pages (at least the two above)
  • heading styles that are defined in your CSS (in the file main.css provided in this repository)

Your Page must also include:

  • some basic DOM manipulation with JavaScript (like find an HTML element and change its color with a button to something else, or whatever you can find - try checking this tutorial)


For general grading guidelines, reference the table below (subject to change):

Behavior Estimated Point Value
Create a portfolio web page with at least the specified sections that is visible online 40
Uses the specified HTML/CSS elements. (6 points for each bullet) 30
The JS portion is there and works (does not have to be in a separate file) 10
Seperate CSS file AND your code is correctly pushed to github 10
Your page looks really good. This is subjective, so wow us. 10