
Deep Learning .NET library, For Regression.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Deep Learning .NET library, For Regression.


Define and Run / NHWC format Deep learning library

Supports High-Dimensional Convolution Neural Networks. (Complex, Quaternion, Vector3D)

For regression problems: High precision calculate by FP32-FP32 arithmetic


.NET 6.0
CUDA 10+, Compute Capability 5.0+

validated: Windows
experiment: Linux, MacOS

Recommended to Install

CUDNN 7,8 (See MNIST sample to enable.)



Supported Functions

  • Connection Layers
    • Real
      • Convolution 1D,2D,3D and Pointwise/Depthwise
      • Dense
    • Complex
      • Convolution 1D,2D,3D
      • Dense
    • Quaternion
      • Convolution 1D,2D,3D
      • Dense
    • Trivector (UnitState : Vector3D, Weight : Quaternion)
      • Convolution 1D,2D,3D
      • Dense
  • Pooling
    • Max Average
  • Sizing
    • ZeroPad EdgePad Trim
    • NeighborZoom LinearZoom
  • Array Manipulation
    • Sort ArgSort Flip Reshape Concat Separate
    • ChannelToSpace SpaceToChannel 1D,2D,3D
    • ImageToColumn 1D,2D,3D
    • ExtractChannel Sum
  • Real Functions
    • Add Sub Mul Div Abs Sign Pow Sqrt Square Cbrt Cube Rsqrt Neg Rcp
    • Sin Cos Tan Arcsin Arccos Arctan Sinh Cosh Tanh LogCosh
    • Exp Log Floor Ceil Clip Step NanAsZero Maximum Minimum
  • Complex Functions
    • Mul Square Conjugate Squash NonlinearDecay RRelu ZRelu Normalize
  • Quaternion Functions
    • Mul Square Conjugate Squash NonlinearDecay RRelu Normalize
  • Trivector Functions
    • QuaternionMul Length Norm CrossProduct Squash NonlinearDecay Normalize
  • Aggregation Functions
    • Max Min Mean Sum SquareSum SquareMean Variance
  • Logical Functions
    • Equal NotEqual GreaterThan LessThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThanOrEqual
    • And Or Not Xor
    • IsNan IsFinite
  • Activation Functions
    • Relu Elu LeakyRelu SoftPlus Softmax Sigmoid
  • Loss Functions
    • SoftmaxCrossEntropy AbsoluteError SquareError HingeLoss HuberLoss MultiBoxLoss
  • Optimizers
    • SGD MomentumSGD NesterovAG AdaGrad AdaDelta Adam Adamax RMSprop RMSpropGraves Nadam
  • Random Generation
    • Uniform Normal BernoulliBinary
  • Experimentals
    • Yamatani Activation

See also...


Download DLL
Download Nuget package

  • To install, just import the DLL.
  • This library does not change the environment at all.






Can't load Cuda dll!

→Install GeForce Experience and Cuda. Check your environment variables.

System.BadImageFormatException is thrown and DLL cannot be loaded!

→Specify x64 as the project platform.