

Note this instructions are tested on Ubuntu 18.04.


HSR Installation

  • Follow the the instructions here.
  • If you don't have the login information, please ask Tarik Kelestemur.

OpenRAVE Installation
Install dependencies:

  • Follow the instructions here.
  • Add the following to .bashrc:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(openrave-config --python-dir)/openravepy/_openravepy_
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(openrave-config --python-dir)

TrajOpt Installation
Install dependencies:

sudo apt install libopenscenegraph-dev libeigen3-dev

Trajopt uses Gurobi for the optimization. Install Gurobi by following the instructions here. You can get a free acadamic license if you have .edu email.

  1. git clone
  2. cd trajopt && mkdir build && cd build
  3. cmake .. -DGUROBI_LIBRARY=/opt/gurobi801/linux64/lib/
  4. make -j4
  5. Add the following to .bashrc:
export TRAJOPT_HOME=/path/to/trajopt/folder

Package Installation
Install dependencies:

sudo apt install ros-melodic-ecl
  1. cd catkin_ws/src
  2. git clone
  3. catkin build


  • visualize collison objects in rviz
  • redundant ik solver from openrave
  • point cloud updater using ROS
  • cannot set goal angle for base_t_joint
  • fix viewer (change to osg viewer)
  • IK using trajopt
  • planning using trajopt