
RViz URDF RobotModel for iCub humanoid robot and a bridge for joint states.

Primary LanguageC++


This package consists of a urdf model of iCub humanoid robot and a yarp-ros bridge to publish joint states of the robot to ros.


  1. ROS : http://wiki.ros.org/
  2. Yarp : http://www.yarp.it/
  3. iCub : http://wiki.icub.org/


  1. cd ~/catkin_ws/src
  2. git clone https://github.com/tkelestemur/icub_description.git
  3. cd ..
  4. catkin_make
  5. cd /src/icub_description/yarp_ros_bridge
  6. mkdir build && cd build
  7. cmake ../
  8. make


  1. roscore
  2. yarp server --ros
  3. iCub_SIM or gazebo and add iCub (fixed) to gazebo world.
  4. cd /src/icub_description/yarp_ros_bridge/build
  5. run ./icub_state_publisher --robot *name*
    (Note: for iCub_SIM name: icubSim, for Gazebo name: icubGazeboSim)
  6. roslaunch icub_description icub.launch