
Analyses that accompany a manuscript describing the crossmap software.

This repository describes analyses of large datasets that are not included on github. A snapshot of data files - both raw and processed - is available on zenodo (dataset 4287332).

(Repository on github may differ from the zenodo snapshot by a few commits.)

The repository can be used in two distinct ways. It is possible to use the code to start with raw data files and perform a complete analysis, including data-intensive calculations, and produce summary visualizations. Alternatively, it is possible to start with a combination of raw and processed data files, and only generate visualization based on the preprocessed data.

Setup for a complete analysis

The repository holds code for creating knowledge-bases with crossmap, using these knowledge-bases to process datasets, and visualize results. In order to execute these steps, several setup steps are required. Apart from the setup, the total running-time for these calculations can be several hours.

crossmap software

The crossmap software should be installed in a location that is separate from this repository to avoid any potential file conflicts.

An executable bash script called crossmap should be created at the repository root to allow the repository to utilize the software. An example script:

#!/bin/bash -l
python3 /path/to/crossmap/ $@

The crossmap software will require access to a mongodb instance. See the crossmap documentation.

R packages

A list of required packages appears in file vignettes/config.R. Most packages are available from CRAN while others can be installed through github.

Data files

A set of data files must be provided into a data directory. The required data files include ontology files, gene annotations from several sources, and other data. A snapshot of all the required files can be obtained from the data folder in the zenodo dataset.

crossmap instances

Raw data must be transferred into crossmap instances. This can be performed by executing scripts in the prep directory. The in that directory has additional details on each script.


The vignettes folder contains two Rmd files and a number of other helper files (R scripts, style sheets, etc.)

To compile the vignettes, navigate to the vignettes folder, start a new R session, and render the vignettes.


When these vignettes are executed for the first time, they perform compute-intensive calculations using the crossmap instances and custom R functions. The combined running time can reach several hours. Outputs from these calculations will appear in results and cache directories. The rendered vignettes will themselves consist of pdf files in the vignettes directory.

When the scripts are executed again, even starting from a clean R session, the vignettes will utilize the cached data and regenerate pdf documents in minutes.

Setup for an analysis using preprocessed data

It is possible to use the repository together with precomputed data files and produce summary figures bypassing compute-intensive steps. The running time for this approach should be around a minute.

Raw and cached data files

A snapshot of all raw and data files is available in a zenodo repository (dataset 4287332). Copy the content of data, results, and cache directories into the root of the repository.

Analysis using cached data files

Summary figures are generated via vignettes. Follow the instructions regarding the installation of R packages and vignette rendering (above).