
Pod collection containing drake and spotless

Primary LanguageMATLAB

This directory contains a collection of PODs which should make it easy
to locally install all of the required dependencies for work in the
Robot Locomotion Group.

This directory also contains a function addpath_pods.m which might be
useful for you to include in your startup.m with 


This will search the current directory and up to 4 directories up for
a build/matlab directory, and if found will add it to your matlab path.

Once the build/matlab directory is in your path, you can prepare
yourself to use any of the other pods using the addpath_<podname> and
rmpath_<podname> commands.  

If you would like for this particular installation of any one of the
pods to always be set up in your startup.m, then please make sure that
you always protect it with a try/catch block.  E.g.

  try, addpath_drake; catch, end;

This is because the addpath is not guaranteed to succeed - for
instance if it gets called before it's mandatory prerequisites are

- Russ