#Simple MDR-3D toy example generator


This repository is part of IEEE AS WG for developing standard for exchanging 3D maps.

How to use it

This software generates a simulated measurements a long polygons, which represent virtual walls.

To obtain a toy example prepare a csv file, where each row describe a parallelogram simulating a wall in the environment. Each row should const out of 9 numbers denoting three vertices of the parallelogram in clockwise or counter-clockwise order.:

x_1, y_1, z_1, x_2, y_2, z_2, x_3, y_3, z_3

Then run the code as:

$ python toy_example_generator input_file [map_type] [output_type]

There are four types of maps the system can generate:

  • dense_grid dense grid
  • sparse_grid sparse grid
  • oct_map octomap
  • mesh mesh
  • pc point cloud
  • all converst map to all possible formats

The map can be eitheer saved to a JSON file json, visualised plot or both all.