- 8
Transition to Unity Branch
#453 opened by tqchen - 21
- 8
[Discuss] Extract Op Info from Primfunc
#278 opened by sunggg - 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
- 2
[Proposal][IR] Tracking Purity in Relax
#402 opened by slyubomirsky - 2
[Bug] Match Cast Missing After Legalization
#437 opened by zxybazh - 1
- 0
[Docs] demo dockerfile is outdated!
#432 opened by meicale - 0
[ARCH] Introduce call_dps_packed
#430 opened by tqchen - 4
[UX][DISCUSS] Runtime Repr of Tuple
#309 opened by tqchen - 3
[ARCH] Disallow Inline PrimFunc
#304 opened by tqchen - 2
[Tracking Issue] Relax Training M0
#413 opened by Ubospica - 3
Move and Hide PyVisitor Mutator
#299 opened by tqchen - 0
[Tracking Issue] Relax graph-level BYOC
#364 opened by masahi - 9
[Discuss] Relax Layout Transformation
#277 opened by psrivas2 - 8
- 9
[AST] CallNode with `sinfo_args`
#356 opened by MasterJH5574 - 0
[Tracking Issue] CallNode `sinfo_args` switch
#377 opened by MasterJH5574 - 12
[Discuss][IR] Relax PrimValue
#274 opened by YuchenJin - 5
[ARCH][TVMScript] Remove Parser_v1
#312 opened by Hzfengsy - 10
[DESIGN] Fine-grained checking in StructInfo
#346 opened by tqchen - 3
[Tracking Issue] High-level operator
#332 opened by MasterJH5574 - 2
[Design] Use of `derive_func` for `PackedFunc` type checking and tracking purity
#344 opened by slyubomirsky - 4
[Discuss][Testing] Avoiding coupling with different features of the normalizer/parser in the unit tests
#290 opened by slyubomirsky - 1
[Bug] tensorflow DT_RESOURCE support?
#271 opened by leiwen83 - 7
[UX][IR] Cleanup global_symbol attachment and linkage
#236 opened by tqchen - 0
[Tracking] StructInfo
#315 opened by tqchen - 2
[FEAT] Merge IRModules
#318 opened by tqchen - 11
[IR] First-class StructInfo
#293 opened by tqchen - 4
- 1
[Discuss][UX] Annotating function return shape
#223 opened by slyubomirsky - 3
- 0
[Discuss][Infra] Relax fuzzing
#302 opened by slyubomirsky - 6
- 14
[ARCH] Normal Form of SeqExpr
#283 opened by tqchen - 0
[ARCH] Standalone Relax Expr
#292 opened by tqchen - 2
[ARCH][UX] Enforce i64 index in shape/index expression
#282 opened by tqchen - 0
- 3
[ARCH] Enforce Normalizer Invariance
#285 opened by tqchen - 1
[TEST] Easy turn on of WellForm Check for Testcases
#286 opened by tqchen - 1
[Bug][Parsing] Using `match_shape` without a binding fails inside a dataflow block
#264 opened by slyubomirsky - 4
[Bug][Parsing] Passing a function call as an arg to an operator does not parse
#267 opened by slyubomirsky - 10
- 2
[Bug][Hexagon] Relax Hexagon integration tests pass in simulator but fail on device
#237 opened by psrivas2 - 3
[Bug] [Shape & Type] No error for incompatible shape and type between LHS and RHS of binding
#232 opened by psrivas2 - 0
- 0
[Discuss][Types] Adding annotations for purity, dataflow, etc into function signatures
#224 opened by slyubomirsky