
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • Requires a c++17 compiler
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..


Concatenate FILE(s) to OUT_FILE.
Options are applied on each file.

   cfrcat -o OUT_FILE [OPTIONS]... [FILES]...

   -o OUT_FILE - output path (@ for stdout but needs redirection,
                 output in fd referring to a terminal is not supported).
   -r FILE     - a header that will be added to the output.
   -l INT      - ignore the l first lines.
   -b INT      - ignore the n first bytes.
   -c INT      - ignore bytes until c (in [0, 255]) has been seen n times, need -n.
   -n INT      - see -c.
   -a          - if output file exists, append without erase.
   -d          - Display parameters.
   -h          - Display this message and exit.
   -v          - Display version information and exit.

   Concat f1 and f2 to output but ignoring two first lines in both:
      cfrcat -o output.txt -l 2 f1.txt f2.txt
   Concat f1 to output but ignoring two first bytes in f1:
      cfrcat -o output.txt -b 2 f1.txt
   Concat f1 and f2 to output but ignoring all bytes before have seen 10 'A' (65) in both:
      cfrcat -o output.txt -c 65 -n 10 f1.txt f2.txt


Concatenate random1.bin, random2.bin and random3.bin to output.bin and skip the first 10 lines of each file. Files have the same size, which varies from 100 to 1000 MB.

cfrcat -o output.bin -l 10 random1.bin random2.bin random3.bin


ls random* | xargs -I{} tail -n+10 {} > output.bin