
python package with tools for calibration, (re)projection.. of RGB(D) cameras

Primary LanguagePython


python package for working with RGB(D) cameras in the context of robotic manipulation.

And has following features:

  • convenient access to the camera output by wrapping the API (currently only supports the ZED2i Camera)
  • camera-agnostic code for detecting fiducial markers ( for extrinsics calibration or object localisation)
  • camera-agnostic code for (re)projection of points back to the camera frame or the world frame, using prior knowledge on the objects; multi-view (TODO) or depth maps.

ZED 2i

Using the Zed cameras requires installation of the SDK and the python wrapper.

See https://www.stereolabs.com/docs/app-development/python/install/#getting-started for more info.

If you already have the SDK, run the get_python_api script. If you don't have the SDK already, install the SDK which will also install the python API (if you choose to).


eef_pos_in_robot = position of the end-effector in the frame of the robot base joint. This corresponds to the transform FROM robot base TO end-effector.

marker_pos_in_cam = position of the aruco calibration pattern in the frame of the camera. This corresponds to the transform FROM the camera TO the calibration pattern.


Abbreviation Meaning
eef End-effector
rotmat Rotation matrix
pos Position
rot Rotation
hommat Homogeneous matrix