
Learning environments for robotic manipulation using MuJoCo and dm_control

Primary LanguagePython


Learning environments for robotic manipulation using MuJoCo with the dm_control package. (this repo also serves as project for learning to use both myself, so not everything is implemented in the best/ most canonical way).


Robot Tasks

All these tasks have both dense and sparse rewards, and both visual and state observations.

Reach The agent has to reach a target location in the Euclidean space by providing delta steps for the position (xyz).

Planar Push The agent controls delta xy coordinates of a cylindrical EEF and has to push a configurable number of objects to a target location (indicated by a white disc).

repo layout

    /entities           # all phyiscal objects in the environments, using the composer.Entity abstraction
        /arenas         # roots of the entity tree, contain the 'robot setup'
        /robots         # actual robots
        /eef            # grippers etc.
        /props          # non-actuated elements
        /tasks          # implements the actual learning tasks
        dmc2gym.py      # converts the DMC environment interface to a gym interface for interacting with most RL frameworks
    /mjcf               # contains the mjcf xml files for all the entities


  • git clone
  • git submodules update --init
  • conda env create -f environment.yaml
  • pip install -e ur_ikfast/
  • pip install -e airo-core/

for learning:

  • pip install -e .[sb3]

Dependencies and information sources


  • mujoco_menagerie: library of MJCF models
  • ur_ikfast: python ikfast wrapper for UR robot class