- 2
- 1
Segmentation Fault when running tests
#145 opened by Programmer888 - 9
using pyrnn.gz in clstm
#111 opened by srika91 - 4
- 0
How to make predictions using python code
#148 opened by lorenzob - 0
question: clstmocrtrain on GPU
#147 opened by bugsyb - 0
Inaccurate training
#146 opened by Programmer888 - 0
How to optimally prepare the data
#144 opened by lorenzob - 6
error: use of undeclared identifier 'environ'
#143 opened by loranger - 0
I want to use gpu to speed up training model! How do I do, I follow the previous issu to do but failed
#142 opened by moucmou - 21
load pretrained model assert failed
#106 opened by striversist - 8
clstmocr - error opening clstm file (trained model)
#138 opened by lomograb - 6
scons install display=1 failed against latest code
#109 opened by wanghaisheng - 0
- 1
- 2
- 8
Training on top of an existing model
#129 opened - 0
Error in training uw3-500
#137 opened by samansarraf - 0
core dumped, w != 0 failed
#130 opened by kjanjua26 - 6
- 2
- 4
- 3
Always missing one character in the output
#134 opened by manhcuogntin4 - 2
- 4
Missing last char of the line.
#131 opened by ShubhamAgarwal12 - 2
Problem building clstm
#127 opened by pcouderc12 - 4
- 10
Implementing clstm's network architecture in Keras
#115 opened by Zerithious - 1
aligned vs output string
#123 opened by hellbago - 0
- 4
how to generate 'clstmtext' command?
#120 opened by xray1111 - 8
- 0
a question about CTC implemention
#119 opened by xray1111 - 7
compile on windows?
#113 opened by BackT0TheFuture - 0
Adding custom features to clstm
#90 opened by bluefa1con - 1
install error Ubuntu 16.04
#118 opened by essamgoda - 1
- 8
how to specify cpu cores to speed up trainning
#81 opened by wanghaisheng - 10
Properly configure CI
#95 opened by kba - 4
Batched OCR training?
#91 opened by jbaiter - 2
- 1
- 0
scons: *** [clstm_compute_cuda.o] Error 127
#89 opened by PedroBarcha - 0
Error in running ./run-tests
#87 opened by naufil601 - 0
How to find the character X coordinates
#84 opened by mattndu - 7
load pretrainned model error
#83 opened by wanghaisheng - 1
run-tests failed
#79 opened by WenchenLi - 1
Compiling clstm on windows
#80 opened by mzafzal - 1
which eigen version?
#78 opened by WenchenLi - 1
can clstm recognize speical character well
#77 opened by wanghaisheng