
Agent for elderly care. Aiming to apply RL, DL in a turtlebot3

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


eldagent is a social robot for elderly care. It aims to interact with older adults in a home scenario. This repo is under construction, and it contains the roadmap throughout this project.

Table of Contents


Initial Steps

This section depicts the initial steps of our approach. It states every command line according to the respective task.

Initial Commands

These initial commands contain the steps to teleoperate an agent in a custom or a default world (from Gazebo). Based on the ROBOTIS tutorials, and the launch files from the eldagent_bringup package stems from turtlebot3_simulations package.

1 - Simulator launching:

roslaunch eldagent_bringup bringup_gazebo.launch  

2 - Robot spawning:

roslaunch eldagent_bringup spawn_tbot3.launch

3 - Rviz custom visualization:

roslaunch eldagent_bringup visualize.launch

4 - (Optional) Teleoperation:

roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch

SLAM and Localization commands

After running the previous commands, we can run the gmapping node:

roslaunch eldagent_bringup gmapping.launch
roslaunch eldagent_bringup amcl.launch

Turtlebot2 working on ROS-Noetic

1 - Clone repo of turtlebot2 packages

git clone https://github.com/Usama-Arshad16/turtlebot2_navigation

2 - Unzip both directories

3 - From these packages, two were removed: robot_pose_ekf and orocos-bayesian-filtering (couldn't find a way of build them from source)

4 - Clone yocs_controllers repo.

git clone https://github.com/yujinrobot/yujin_ocs.git

5 - From this package, yocs_ar* were removed to avoid install opencv

6 - Clone yocs_msgs repo and build it

git clone https://github.com/yujinrobot/yocs_msgs

7 - Step 1 from initial commands

8 - Turtlebot2 robot spawning:

roslaunch eldagent_bringup spawn_tbot2.launch

9 - Try to move it on Gazebo. Any SyntaxError means that the first line of the turtlebot_teleop_key.py should be python3 env. Moreover, in that same script, the name of the topic should become /cmd_vel. The robot still doesn't move right? Go to the next step.

roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch

10 - We must include a differential driver on turtlebot_gazebo.xacro.urdf, such as:

  <plugin name="turtlebot_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so">

11 - Repeat the teleop launching and everything should work.

roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch