- ocs-api
- ocs-framework
- ocs-react4s-app
- ocs-gateway
- ocs-client
- ocs-react-app
- ocs-testkit
- react4s-facade
The build is based on sbt and depends on libraries published to bintray from the csw project.
run csw-services.sh script using tmt-deploy readme
- Clone csw-prod
git checkout <sha>
(sha is mentioned in Libs.scala for csw-prod dependencies)
- Run sbt universal:stage
- $cd target/universal/stage/bin
- $./csw-services.sh start -i en0
Follow instructions in readme
- Run e.g.
sequencer-scripts-test/reStart iris darknight 8000
- Connect to ammonite REPL
ssh repl@localhost -p8000
Default port for gateway is 9090 you can override it e.g.
ocs-gateway/reStart 9000
Open : e.g - localhost:8080 (with webpack dev server) OR Open index.html from intelliJ
npm install
npm start
ocs-client module exposes componentFactory which is simpler API for resolving assembly or sequencer It also provides standalone app which grants access to components registered with Location service via componentFactory
sbt ocs-client/run
It provides mocks for cswServices and sequencerCommandService. It allows to unit test scripts logic by mocking cswServices. Find sample unit test case for script for iris here
This module provides facade/interface for reactJs and react-dom javascript libraries to be used in ScalaJs.