
Repli-Seq analysis pipeline

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Deprecated: Please use alfred replication which is available here.

repliseq installation

git clone --recursive https://github.com/tobiasrausch/repliseq.git

cd repliseq

make all

Running repliseq

The order of bam files on the command line must follow the cell-cycle.

./src/repliseq -r <ref.fa> -o outprefix <g1b.bam> <s1.bam> <s2.bam> <s3.bam> <s4.bam> <g2.bam>

Plotting tag densities for each cell-cycle fraction.

Rscript R/reppattern.R -f outprefix.profile.tsv -r chr12:24000000-26000000

Plotting the replication time.

Rscript R/reptime.R -f outprefix.reptime.tsv -r chr12