- autoscale-healthyhost-template.json
- CloudWatch and AutoScaling work together to monitor ELB/instances and maintain the total number of desired instances in the pool.
- bastion-template.json
- Bastion host on-demand. Launch a bastion (jump host) into a public subnet to access your VPC via SSH. Terminate the server when unused.
- cis-benchmark-section3-template.json
- AWS CIS Foundations Benchmark v1.1.0 11-09-2016 remediation template. (Remediates Sections 3.x & 2.1-2.4)
- cloudwatch-iam-alarms-template.json
- Creates CloudTrail IAM API activity alarms for CloudWatch logs.
- elasticache-template.json
- Creates an ElastiCache cluster in a VPC.
- elb-template.json
- Secure public facing SSL ELB template. Create and manage your SSL cipher policy.
- iam-poweruser-template.json
- Creates an IAM "power user" group and inline policy.
- nat-instance-template.json
- Deploys a NAT instance with the option for enhanced network capabilities into a public subnet.
- rds-replica-template.json
- Create a multi-AZ provisioned IOps RDS instance with an optional read replica.
- s3-logging-bucket.json
- Create a S3 logging bucket, bucket policy and retension policy in the region the stack is launched in.
- spot-fleet-template.json
- Creates and deploys a Spot Fleet into two availability-zones/Subnets and autoscales based on the average CPU of the Fleet.
- vpc-2az-natgw-template.json
- Creates a VPC with AWS NAT Gateways in 2 availability-zones, 4-6 subnets (optional Db subnet tier).
- vpc-2az-template.json
- Creates a VPC with Managed NAT instances in 2 availability-zones, 4-6 subnets (optional Db subnet tier).
- https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/toddm92/public/diagrams/vpc-2az-diagram.jpg
- vpc-beanstalk-template.json
- Creates a VPC with four subnets in two availability zones. Launches an Elastic Beanstalk environment.
- https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/toddm92/public/diagrams/vpc-beanstalk-env.jpg
- vpc-elasticache-template.json
- Creates a VPC with four subnets in two availability zones. Calls the elasticache-template.json nested stack.
Build an entire AWS environment with Templates: