Welcome to Android Examples for Unity

My name is Tomas Dirvanauskas and I am part of Unity's Android development team. This repository contains small examples showing how you can extend Unity's Android platform.


Name Description Image Unity Version
Plugin Res Upgrader Provides an upgrade path for res/assets folders located in Assets/Plugins/Android folder to be continued to be copied to gradle project. Unity 2021.3 and higher
Native Plugin Builder Shows how to compile native c/cpp files into a shared library (libnative.so) for different architectures using ndk-build and use that native shared library from C# script. Unity 6.0
Icons Extended Shows how to access an image from phone's gallery via Android native UI and pass it to Unity.
Note: Unity view only occupies part of the application window.
Unity 2021.3 or higher
Gallery Browser Shows how to access an image from phone's gallery via Android native UI and pass it to Unity.
Note: Unity view only occupies part of the application window.
Unity 6.0
Extending GameActivity Shows how to expand GameActivity C++ bridge files. Unity 6.0