- 2
1.6.0 no longer is a pure ruby install
#41 opened by cabo - 2
Missing named properties
#14 opened by tom-lord - 0
[\p{Nd}] — unicode categories in character classes
#39 opened by cabo - 6
use regexp_parser?
#35 opened by jaynetics - 4
Hello, I am trying to use regexp-example but I have an irregular expression and it says that the gem is not compatible with looking back and looking forward, can you help me? is there any solution or do I have to modify the regex?
#36 opened by tom-lord - 2
enhancement: negative examples?
#29 opened by tlubz - 0
Enhancements to absent operator examples
#22 opened by tom-lord - 6
- 2
Empty regexp examples
#15 opened by pixiitech - 4
symlink unimplemented when installing
#9 opened by MarioRuiz - 2
Can a reverse abilty be made?
#8 opened by bararchy - 2
- 0
Support for use without class extension
#27 opened by tom-lord - 2
Randomness regression?
#21 opened by cabo - 0
- 0
Parsing of nested repeat operators
#24 opened by tom-lord - 0
Support for conditional capture groups
#23 opened by tom-lord - 0
Allow the use of empty look-arounds
#18 opened by tom-lord