
Tom's toolbox for microbial sequence analysis

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

stantlib 🧰 🦠 🧬

Tom's toolbox for microbial sequence analysis


This repo contains a collection of scripts and tools I use for microbial sequence analysis. They share common functions and classes which will eventually become a package, but for now they are just standalone scripts. Please cite if you found anything useful πŸ™.

Please feel free to contribute, especially if you think you can make anything faster or more efficient πŸš€. I may switch to using corresponding gff + fasta inputs instead of GenBank files if there is a demand to completely remove BioPython dependencies.

Installation πŸ”§

Currently, there is no installation script. To use the toolbox, you need to clone the repository and add the path to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. For example, if you cloned the repository to ~/stantlib, you would add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/stantlib

Dependencies πŸ“¦

  • Most of these tools require Python >= 3.8 due to the use of the walrus operator :=, f-strings, and type hints.
  • Some scripts require BioPython which can be installed with pip install biopython or conda install -c conda-forge biopython.
  • Some scripts also require external programs such as minimap2, but they will check for this and warn you if anything is not installed.

Overview πŸ”

Detailed usage of each script can be found by running it with the -h / --help flag; here is a brief description in no particular order:

fsk βš’οΈ

  • Fasta Swiss-army Knife to flatten, filter, and manipulate FASTA sequences from stdin.
  • Regex can be used to filter sequences by accession/header.
  • There is also simple utility to translate DNA sequences.
  • No dependencies!
# Extract ompC gene sequences from a collection of annotated genomes and translate them
$ cat bakta/*.ffn | fsk.py - --regex '(?i)ompc' -t -T 11 > OmpC.faa  # Note the python regex flag (?i) for case-insensitive

gluggins 🍷

  • Parse Gubbins output as recombinant blocks of features using the reference sequence Genbank file.
  • A block is defined as a region of the reference sequence with overlapping recombination events predicted by Gubbins.
  • Blocks will only be constructed if they meet the selected critera and features can be reported by type (e.g. CDS, tRNA, rRNA, etc.).
  • All features overlapping the block are reported, along with the recombination events which overlap them.
  • Requires BioPython
# Explore which genes are in recombinant blocks
$ gluggins.py reference.gbff recombination_predictions.gff | head
reference	block_id	block_start	block_end	feature_type	feature_start	feature_end	feature_strand	feature_name	feature_locus_tag	feature_description	events
chr	Block_1	13311	20983	CDS	13311	14603	+	uhpC	CKEIMB_00065	MFS transporter	13765 17554 Node_46->Node_45 14 1228224,6293648
chr	Block_1	13311	20983	CDS	14655	15875	+		CKEIMB_00070	DUF3748 domain-containing protein	13765 17554 Node_46->Node_45 14 1228224,6293648
chr	Block_1	13311	20983	CDS	15877	16209	-	yceK	CKEIMB_00075	YceK/YidQ family lipoprotein	13765 17554 Node_46->Node_45 14 1228224,6293648
chr	Block_1	13311	20983	CDS	16524	16937	+	ibpA	CKEIMB_00080	heat shock chaperone IbpA	13765 17554 Node_46->Node_45 14 1228224,6293648
chr	Block_1	13311	20983	CDS	17054	17482	+	ibpB	CKEIMB_00085	heat shock chaperone IbpB	13765 17554 Node_46->Node_45 14 1228224,6293648
chr	Block_1	13311	20983	CDS	17619	18443	+	dinD	CKEIMB_00090	DNA damage-inducible protein D	18011 20813 Node_46->Node_45 34 1228224,6293648

genbank_slicer πŸ“–πŸ”ͺ

  • Selects parts of a GenBank file and writes it to stdout in GenBank or FASTA format.
  • Selection methods include --slice with multiple start:end coordinates; --feature to select features with a regex or --record to select records with a regex.
  • The regex selection is performed on the string representation of the feature/record (including the sequence/translation), so try and make your regex specific!
  • Requires BioPython
# Extract the cps locus from a collection of annotated genomes using the feature regex
$ cat bakta/*.gbff | genbank_slicer.py - --feature 'galF|ugd' --merge 30000 > cps.gbk

genbank2seq πŸ“–πŸ§¬

  • Extracts sequences from a GenBank file and writes them to stdout in FASTA format.
  • Can be used to extract whole loci or features.
  • If features are extracted, there is an option to extract the translation, either using the translation qualifier or by translating the nucleotide sequence on-the-fly.
  • Requires BioPython
# Extract the translation of all CDS features from a GenBank file and write them to a FASTA file
$ cat *.gbk | genbank2seq.py - --record feature --feature-type CDS --protein > hello.faa

biopigz 🐷

  • G(un)zip multiple files in parallel using multiprocessing.
  • This is useful for unzipping many small/medium genome assembly fasta files, in which case it is seems to be faster than pigz on my M1 chip.
  • Processes files in place, adding/removing the '.gz' suffix.
  • If stdin and not stdout, processed output will be written to [uuid.file(.gz)]
  • Multiple files will be processed simultaneously using --threads
  • No dependencies!
# Decompress all gzipped FASTA files in the current directory using 8 threads and keep the original files
$ biopigz.py *.fasta.gz --threads 8 --decompress --keep

gc_filter πŸ“ˆπŸ₯…

  • Calculate the GC content distribution across FASTQ reads and filter them.
  • No dependencies!
# Filter reads with a GC content that is 2 standard deviations from the mean
$ gc_filter.py reads.fastq --zscore 2 > filtered.fastq
# Use pigz to speed up (de)compression (remember biopigz is for lots of smallish files)
$ pigz -dc reads.fastq.gz | gc_filter.py - | pigz > filtered.fastq.gz
# Select your own threshold
$ gc_filter.py reads.fastq --upper 0.6 --lower 0.4 > filtered.fastq

clean_pairs πŸ§½πŸ‘«

  • Takes two paired FASTQ files and removes reads which are unpaired.
  • No dependencies!
$ clean_pairs.py reads_{1,2}.fastq.gz

gene_gc πŸ“ˆπŸ§¬

  • Calculates the GC content of features in a GenBank file.
  • Requires BioPython
# Calculate the GC content of all ncRNA features in a GenBank file
$ gene_gc.py genome.gbff -f ncRNA | head
reference	reference_gc	feature_type	feature_start	feature_end	feature_name	feature_locus_tag	feature_product	gc	gc_diff
chr	0.575	ncRNA	AsdA	CKEIMB_00010	antisense RNA of dnaA mRNA	510	591	0.617	0.042
chr	0.575	ncRNA	istR	CKEIMB_00165	istR Hfq binding RNA	32653	32784	0.489	-0.087
chr	0.575	ncRNA	STnc370	CKEIMB_00955	Enterobacterial sRNA STnc370	198260	198330	0.314	-0.261
chr	0.575	ncRNA	sok	CKEIMB_00960	sok antitoxin (CssrC)	198427	198580	0.451	-0.124
chr	0.575	ncRNA	RyhB	CKEIMB_01560	RyhB RNA	336435	336501	0.455	-0.121

gene_hotspots 🧬πŸ”₯

  • Looks for hotspots of metric windows across GenBank records and reports overlapping features.
  • This is useful for finding genes which are in areas of abnormal GC content, or which are in regions of high entropy.
  • Requires BioPython
 # Find genes which are in areas of entropy 3 or more standard deviations from the mean
 $ gene_hotspots.py genome.gbff --analysis entropy --zscore 3 | head
 reference	start	stop	analysis	value	feature_type	feature_start	feature_end	feature_name	feature_locus_tag	feature_description
chr	227250	227750	entropy_hotspot	1.89	CDS	227066	227969	dppC	CKEIMB_01100	dipeptide ABC transporter permease DppC
chr	237750	238250	entropy_hotspot	1.88	CDS	236370	240423	hemYx	CKEIMB_01135	cellulose synthase
chr	253750	254250	entropy_hotspot	1.89	CDS	252611	256091	bcsC	CKEIMB_01190	cellulose synthase complex outer membrane protein BcsC
chr	308000	308500	entropy_hotspot	1.88	CDS	306781	308992	zntA	CKEIMB_01415	Zn(II)/Cd(II)/Pb(II) translocating P-type ATPase ZntA
chr	389750	390250	entropy_hotspot	1.88	CDS	389565	390099	pilN	CKEIMB_01770	pilus assembly protein PilN
chr	389750	390250	entropy_hotspot	1.88	CDS	390088	390517		CKEIMB_01775	pilus assembly protein PilO

gene_breaks πŸ§¬πŸ’”

  • Aligns an assembly to the reference and reports features which are split across contigs or missing.
  • Requires BioPython and minimap2
# Compare a genome assembled from Illumina reads to a reference genome and report incomplete/missing CDS
$ gene_breaks.py completed_genome.gbff illumina_assembly.fasta --feature_type CDS | head
reference	reference_start	reference_end	contig	contig_start	contig_end	feature_type	feature_start	feature_end	feature_name	feature_locus_tag	feature_description
contig_1	1030282	1231824	5	8	201426	CDS	1029194	1030379	tuf	OAFDHN_05205	elongation factor Tu
contig_1	4958761	5153929	6	112	195179	CDS	4958460	4960620		OAFDHN_23805	Polysaccharide biosynthesis tyrosine autokinase
contig_1	4231604	4413295	7	3	181694	CDS	4231426	4232371	araC	OAFDHN_20265	Rhamnose utilization AraC family transcriptional regulator
contig_1	696620	863324	8	0	166704	CDS	696289	696883		OAFDHN_03405	Lipoprotein
contig_1	257038	415548	10	53	158563	CDS	415288	415987		OAFDHN_02010	ABC transporter permease
contig_1	4481764	4616495	12	346	135077	CDS	4481517	4482063		OAFDHN_21530	Thiolase-N domain-containing protein
contig_1	863468	998040	13	1	134457	CDS	863432	863897		OAFDHN_04270	OB-fold putative lipoprotein

xccessions πŸ“›

  • Create a regex from fixed-length accession numbers.
  • This is useful for filtering sequences by a header regex.
  • No dependencies!
# Create a regex from a list of NCBI accessions
$ xccessions.py WP_000000000.1 WP_000000001.1 WP_000000002.1
# Create a regex from a list of UniProt accessions
$ xccessions.py $(cat uniprot_accessions.txt)

get_hmms πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

  • Download Hidden-Markov/Covariance models from public databases with accessions.
  • Uses multiprocessing to download multiple models simultaneously.
  • Requires requests
# Download 3 Rfam covariance models using 4 threads and use cm as the file extension
$ get_hmms.py RF00444 RF00445 RF00446 --extention cm --threads 4