Scripts for annotating a genome with RNA-seq and Protein sequence data.
This repository holds scripts and programs that was used to annotate a plant genome using RNA-seq and annotation of other sequenced genomes.
The scripts are making it easy to execute what are desribed at various pages. Important pages are:
Most step are encupsulated in job scripts that can be run in a SGE/UGE environment, while some are left for command line execution. The job scripts were run on the phase 1 system in NIG super computer. Some parameters, especially job parameters regarding parallel environment need adjustment to the system you use.
Most of the software used in these scripts are installed with LPM.
- Jin03.fa (the genome not included)
- RNA-seq-list (the list of RNA-seq data; index number and description) The raw RNA-seq data are organized in subdirectories as by index numbers
Masking repeats is recommended by Augustus author. To mask repeat properly, we need a proper species specific repeat profile.
- Jin3RM.job
- Jin3RM2.job
Note the directory name RM_65194.FriMay90932462014 should be changed to what was made by repeat modeler. --species=Jinfusca3
We need to train augustus with some data. At begining just use the ultra conserved genes from cegma.
The instruction was given at:
Because tophat2 use bowtie2, bowtie2 index should prepared in advance. This is run as a single process, while actuall mapping process can be run in parallel, using the same index and separate query RNA-seq data. While this produces index files starting Jin03_m_db, tophat process requires presence of Jin03_m_db.fa
ln Jin03.masked.fa Jin03_m_db.fa
should be performed.
Select good mapping reads. (--paired for paired end read data) This phase is run independently for each index of RNA-seq data.
Merge the filtered data and sort. Because we merge, we have to wait all filter job finished and run as a separte single job.
mkdir -p split
cd split
cp -p ../Jin03_m_db.fa .
ruby ../flatsplitbysize.rb Jin03_m_db.fa 1000000
Split the genome fasta file in a chunk of 1 Mb. When the scaffold is large one scaffold is in the split file, while multiple scaffold is put in a single file until the cumulative size reach 1 Mb.
- augustus1.job
- split/augsp.job
Initially, augustus1.job was used. This took a day or more. After realizing that the genome may split and augustus is run in parallel split/augsp.job was written.
Step 7
- bowtie2exexj.job
- s8bowtie2exexj.job
Map to exon junction database and adjust the coordinate back to the global coordinate.
Discard the intron map data from original mapping.
- s9join.job
- s10filter.job
- s12augustus2.job
- s13joingff.job
- s14togbandretrain.job
- exonerateAt.job
- exoneratePp.job
Each of these jobs does map the protein sequences to the masked draft genome.
- exonerate-merge-to-hints.job
collects all the output file of the exonerateAt.job and exoneratePp.job and converts to hint file. The output files are identified by the name exonerate??.job.o*.
- rm2hints.job
- mergehints.job
Combine the split prediction over the genome.
These output in gff2 format whereas the above is configured to write gff3 format.