
under development

Primary LanguagePython

Goal-conditioned policy learning in PDDL domains with Popper (ILP)

Objective: Given a PDDL domain, example problems, and example plans (one per problem), learn a goal-conditioned policy that generalizes to other problems in the domain.

Warning: This repository is extremely experimental. It probably won't work for your use case.


  1. Follow the instructions to install Popper.

The code in this repository was developed on Popper commit bcf8b8de8b8de97f09ca125eb6e1cce11bc4f310. If you have trouble running Popper, try to install from that commit.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. In the cloned repository: pip install -e .
  3. Optional but recommended for speed: install Fast Downward as described below. If you do this, use planner="fastdownward" when you invoke learn_policy().
    1. git clone https://github.com/aibasel/downward.git
    1. cd downward && ./build.py
    2. export FD_EXEC_PATH="<your absolute path here>/downward"


from popper_policies.learn import learn_policy

domain_str = """(define (domain toy-delivery)
    (:requirements :strips)
        (at-robby ?loc)
        (satisfied ?loc)
    (:action move
        :parameters (?from ?to)
        :precondition (and
            (at-robby ?from) 
        :effect (and
            (not (at-robby ?from))
            (at-robby ?to)
    (:action deliver
        :parameters (?loc)
        :precondition (and
            (at-robby ?loc)
        :effect (and
            (satisfied ?loc)

problem1 = """(define (problem toy-delivery) (:domain toy-delivery)
    loc0 loc1 loc2
	(at-robby loc0)
  (:goal (and (satisfied loc1)))
plan1 = [
    "(move loc0 loc1)",
    "(deliver loc1)",

problem2 = """(define (problem toy-delivery) (:domain toy-delivery)
    loc0 loc1 loc2
	(at-robby loc0)
  (:goal (and (satisfied loc2)))
plan2 = [
    "(move loc0 loc2)",
    "(deliver loc2)",

policy = learn_policy(domain_str, [problem1, problem2], [plan1, plan2])



(define (policy)
  (:rule deliver-rule
    :parameters (?A - object)
    :preconditions (at-robby ?A)
    :goals (satisfied ?A)
    :action (deliver ?A)
  (:rule move-rule
    :parameters (?A - object ?B - object)
    :preconditions (and (at-robby ?A) (not (at-robby ?B)))
    :goals (satisfied ?B)
    :action (move ?A ?B)

See popper_policies/main.py for automatically generating demonstrations and evaluating the learned policy. For example:

python popper_policies/main.py --env custom-toy --seed 0 --num_train_tasks 2 --num_eval_tasks 1