NOTE: This plugin is obsoleted by tplugin is a plugin management tool similar to pathogen. Other than pathogen tplugin expands the 'runtimepath' as needed (e.g. when calling a command or function that is defined in a bundle) in order to have minimal impact on startup time. This plugin helps users to deal with plugins that are distributed via source code repositories. Usually, you would make those plugins available to vim by adding the local copies of those repositories to |runtimepath|. The disadvantage of this approach is that the value of |runtimepath| becomes unnecessarily complex. If this is done at startup (e.g. when using the pathogen plugin), all plugins are loaded on each startup, which takes time. tplugin scans the local copies of those repositories for commands and functions. It then amends the |runtimepath| only if a respective command/function/map is called (similar to the AsNeeded plugin). This helps to keep your |runtimepath| simple and improve startup time. In order to achieve this goal, plugins are installed in an alternative directory structure where each plugin (consequently referred to as "repo" or "bundle") is installed in a subdirectory. tplugin takes care of "modifying 'runtimepath' and of loading the vim script files as necessary. For "compatibility with pathogen, all "bundle" subdirectories in the 'runtimepath' "are considered as roots -- unless tplugin seems to be installed as repo itself. alternative directory layout: ROOT/ repo1/ after/ autoload/ doc/ plugin/ repo2/ after/ autoload/ doc/ plugin/ ... Repos can be enabled (i.e. added to 'runtimepath') either explicitly with the |:TPlugin| command or automatically by calling a command, function, or by requesting a filetype plugin/syntax/indent file defined in a repo -- i.e. tplugin also provides an autoload facility similar to the AsNeeded plugin (vimscript #915). See below for details. The main purpose of this plugin was to facilitate the use of plugins that are downloaded from a VCS like git, svn etc. But it can also be used to handle plugins distributed as zip or tgz archives. For vimballs, you'll might have to use a non-standard vimball unpacker---like the one that can be found in the vimtlib repository. You can have more than one root directory although it currently (as of version 0.2) could cause problems and is deprecated. Usage~ By default, tplugin has autoload enabled. With autoload, you can use tplugin by (1) loading the macro in your |vimrc| file > " Put this close to the top of your vimrc file runtime macros/tplugin.vim (2) (optional step) setting non-standard root directories. The standard root-directory is where tplugin was installed in (see |:TPluginRoot|). > " Only necessary if you use a non-standard root directory TPluginRoot /home/x/src/bundle It might still be necessary to load certain plugins right on startup for them to work properly. (3) Start vim and collect the autoload information by running the |:TPluginScan| command. (4) Restart vim. The plugins will be loaded as soon as one of its functions or commands is called for the first time. Full example as it could be found in a |vimrc| file: > runtime macros/tplugin.vim TPluginRoot F:\vim-addons TPlugin vim-surround let g:snippets_dir = 'X:\vimfiles\snippets,F:\vim-addons\snipmate.vim\snippets' TPlugin snipmate.vim TPlugin! tlib_vim 02tlib *tplugin-dependencies* *tplugin-metadata* When enabling a repository (ROOT/REPO), e.g., by calling |:TPlugin|, the files ROOT/_tplugin_REPO.vim and ROOT/REPO/_tplugin.vim are loaded. These files allows users (or plugin developers) to, e.g., define dependencies (see |:TPluginBefore| and |:TPluginAfter|). CAVEAT: If you have a file after/plugin/foo.vim in you user vimfiles directory, this file will be loaded before any "managed" plugin "foo". You thus have to check in your after/plugin/foo.vim file if the plugin was already loaded. Contrary to the default plugin behaviour, those managed plugins are loaded when the |VimEnter| event is triggered, i.e. after all plugins (incl. the after directory) and |gvimrc| was loaded. This approach provides for a better control of which plugins should be loaded. You can load a managed plugin immediately by adding a bang '!' to the |:TPlugin| command. *tplugin-asneeded* AsNeeded Users~ tplugin can serve as a drop-in replacement for the AsNeeded plugin. Add the following command to you |vimrc| file: > TPluginRoot ~/vimfiles/AsNeeded/* Alternatively, move the files the AsNeeded subdirectory to REPOS/AsNeeded/plugin/. Run |:TPluginScan| in order to create autoload definitions for commands and functions. Contrary to the AsNeeded plugin, tplugin only supports autoload for |<Plug>| type of maps. Other autoload maps have to be defined by the user using the |TPluginMap()| function. Related work~ - Marc Weber's vim-addon-manager (my main source of inspiration for this script), which also provides downloading plugins and automatic dependency management: (vimscript #2905) - Tim Pope's pathogen (vimscript #2332). - Charles E. Campbell's AsNeeded (vimscript #915) - A comprehensive list of plugin managers (download and update local copies of vim plugins): - The ruby script I personally use to update local copies of source code repositories: If your VIM has compiled-in ruby support, you can use the :TPluginUpdate command to run vcsdo from within VIM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Status: Works for me (there may be some minor quirks) Install: See See for related plugins.
An on-demand runtimepath manager and plugin loader for vim (for handling plugins distributes, e.g., as git repositories)