An on-demand runtimepath manager and plugin loader for vim (for handling plugins distributes, e.g., as git repositories)
Vim Script
- 0
Incomplete handling of `-range` and `<count>`
#15 opened by blueyed - 1
Custom completions not available with TPluginCommand (until loading of the plugin)
#14 opened by blueyed - 2
- 2
Fails to setup "Ag" command via Autoload: E464: Ambiguous use of user-defined command
#9 opened by blueyed - 3
- 2
Used alongside Pathogen/Vundle?
#7 opened by greduan - 1
#6 opened by trusktr - 2
tPlugin supports only *-addon-info.txt
#5 opened by ZyX-I - 5
VimEnter not parsed correctly with vim-autoclose plugin / first BufEnter autocmd missed?!
#4 opened by blueyed - 2
Provide Mkhelptags functionality
#2 opened by blueyed - 11
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