Engineering @ University of Cambridge Passionate about Robotics, Embeded Systems, Backend, Mobile and Cloud technologies
Hong Kong
tongclement's Following
- AnselChang
- arm-universityUnited Kingdom
- BudibaseBelfast
- CUSF-Lander
- cuspaceflightCambridge, UK
- deepseek-ai
- dylankainthLondon, UK
- edjubuhSan Diego, CA
- Ethancatepete
- ewhwei
- flightawareHouston Texas USA
- Garrett-R16
- GW-DevStudent
- harrykwan
- Hilo-Hilohong kong
- InspirationRoboticsSan Diego
- IsaacLam609
- jpearman
- MSY2007
- myles-parfeniuk
- natalieko2024
- ogaskellGreater Manchester, UK
- pondorasti@campsite
- Priva28Hyper Online
- purduesigbotsWest Lafayette, IN
- rmackay9Japan Drones
- Ryan4253University of Michigan
- seanboeMIT
- sindresorhus
- smarttommyau中國香港 Hong Kong, China
- Space-Enterprise-at-Berkeley
- Team4414Ventura Ca
- Tolga-Cav
- tomasvotava@soulboner, @hyperion-platform
- trentrand@commaai
- ultralyticsUnited States of America