- biyou
- chaowang15San Jose, CA, USA
- codekansas@kscalelabs
- denisfitz57
- devfacetMA, USA
- dhinz94Germany
- duylebkHCMHCMC University of Technology
- GavrilenkoAMoscow
- geniuspatrick
- Guitaricet@1x-technologies
- hktonylee
- honeytidy
- HusseinLezzaik@OpenMined
- ichbinhandsomeNVIDIA
- jealous1989
- jiangjy1982Google
- juanlopezcodeCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
- KeAWangStanford, CA
- KingXHJHarbin Institude of Technology
- learning-chip
- longkunxulukeSamsung
- MurageKibichoYale University
- pacifikus
- pengqianhanThe University of Auckland
- phamvanlinh143Viettel AI
- profLeptonExalabs
- radiradevCERN
- roshankarandeUC San Diego
- shuyueW1991Talent Medicore Holdings Group
- Snow-02Shanghai AI Laboratory
- sysuyl
- TongCHEN779Copenhagen
- xiaoguang666
- Xinyu-botCanberra
- yuezhao1997Shanghai Jiao Tong University