
There are 52 repositories under 10x topic.

  • COMBINE-lab/salmon

    🐟 🍣 🍱 Highly-accurate & wicked fast transcript-level quantification from RNA-seq reads using selective alignment

  • milaboratory/mixcr

    MiXCR is an ultimate software platform for analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data for immune profiling.

  • COMBINE-lab/alevin-fry

    🐟 🔬🦀 alevin-fry is an efficient and flexible tool for processing single-cell sequencing data, currently focused on single-cell transcriptomics and feature barcoding.

  • Hoohm/CITE-seq-Count

    A tool that allows to get UMI counts from a single cell protein assay

  • lilab-bcb/cirrocumulus

    Bring your single-cell data to life

  • nunofonseca/fastq_utils

    Validation and manipulation of FASTQ files, scRNA-seq barcode pre-processing and UMI quantification.

  • soasis/idk

    The IDK (Industrial Development Kit) library!

  • RayBenefield/dev-xp

    :runner: A Monorepo of projects reaching towards EPIC proportions, maintained by one person.

  • morispi/LRez

    Standalone tool and library allowing to work with barcoded linked-reads

  • pontushojer/awesome-linked-reads

    Collection of tools and resources for linked-reads

  • jmackie/emoji-picker

    🕺 GUI picker thing for emoji power users

  • baj12/scShinyHub

    shiny app for single cell RNAseq experiments, with plug-in like structure for flexible integration of tools and visualizations.

  • Pdawg-bytes/windows10x-browser

    A recreation of Windows 10X, in your browser.

  • Barski-lab/sc-seq-analysis

    CWL toolkit for single-cell sequencing data analysis

    Language:Common Workflow Language4410
  • jdecode/x-api

    Laravel API boilerplate for 10-x developers!

  • kimberle9/rfca

    R package: {rfca} Random forest-based cell annotation methods for scRNAseq analysis. {rfca} contains methods which identifies cell types using machine learning trained on a diversity of cell types, without the need for a labelled training dataset. It also allows you to train your own cell prediction models with your own labels (cell type, subtype, cell state, cluster number etc). This package is best suited for researchers who want to annotate their datasets in a quick and unbiased way, phenotype their datasets based on cell identity proportions, and discover common cell states across different datasets and disease models.

  • 10x-uswds-forms


    10x USWDS Advanced Form Controls (was USWDS Forms Experience)

  • jungejason/git-bisect-run-demo

    A repository to demo the `git bisect run` command

  • nem0/lumixengine_gltf

    GLTF loader plugin for Lumix Engine

  • 18F/10x-static-forms

    Phase two of the 10X HTML Form Endpoint investigation.

  • 18F/10x-workshare

    10x Phase 2 Investigation: Workshare Unemployment Program

  • BimberLab/nimble

    nimble — execute lightweight, flexible alignments on arbitrary reference libraries

  • jamiealquiza/sadtomleditor

    A high performance TOML commenter and config file lifestyle

  • JulianSpagnuolo/adtseq

    adtseq provides simple Rcpp methods to identify Antibody-Derived-Tags in single cell CITE/REAP-seq data

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-jetstream

    Laravel Jetstream: A sleek scaffolding library for Laravel, providing pre-built authentication, team management, API support, and more. Streamline development with elegant components.

  • rusalkaguy/10x_genomics_tools

    Scripts developed to work with 10x Genomics sequencing results

  • wtsi-hpag/AncesBin

    Pipeline to bin 10X, HiC, PacBio and ONT reads based on ancestry assemblies

  • 0xZTD/mh-api

    Monster Hunter API

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-breeze-dusk

    Laravel Dusk is a browser testing tool for Laravel applications, providing an expressive API to write end-to-end tests in a simple, fluent manner. It automates browser interactions using a headless Chrome driver, making it easy to test complex user scenarios.

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-breeze-log-viewer

    Laravel Breeze is a lightweight, minimalistic starter kit for Laravel, providing pre-built authentication scaffolding, views, and controllers to help developers quickly set up user registration, login, and password reset functionality in their Laravel applications.

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-breeze-notification

    Laravel Notification Channels are used to send notifications via various services such as SMS, Slack, and email. These channels extend Laravel's notification system, allowing developers to easily integrate and manage multiple communication platforms within their applications.

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-breeze-report

    Laravel Breeze is a lightweight, minimalistic starter kit for Laravel, providing pre-built authentication scaffolding, views, and controllers to help developers quickly set up user registration, login, and password reset functionality in their Laravel applications.

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-breeze-telescope

    Laravel Telescope is a powerful debugging and monitoring tool for Laravel applications, providing insights into requests, exceptions, logs, queries, jobs, and more, allowing developers to easily track, debug, and optimize their application's performance.

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-breeze-testing

    Laravel Testing involves using Laravel's built-in testing features, like PHPUnit, to write tests for Laravel applications. It includes unit tests, feature tests, and integration tests to ensure the functionality, performance, and reliability of Laravel applications.

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-pint

    Laravel Pint is a lightweight PHP framework designed for rapid web application development, emphasizing simplicity and elegance. It offers robust features like routing, ORM, authentication, and templating, making it ideal for building scalable and maintainable web projects with ease.

  • natthasath/demo-laravel-scramble

    Laravel Scramble is a package that generates random strings to obfuscate data for testing or security purposes. It offers customizable length and character sets to suit various needs. Ideal for protecting sensitive information or creating dummy data in Laravel applications.
