
There are 61 repositories under aras-labs topic.

  • kanban-like-task-management

    Adds a user interface to manage tasks and sort them by Stage, Account, Risk,...

  • pwa-sample-app

    This project contains a sample Progressive Web App (PWA) that connects to Aras Innovator via RESTful API and OAuth authentication.

  • rest-auth-example

    This project provides a sample .NET Core console application that demonstrates how to use the Aras Innovator OAuth server with the Aras RESTful API.

  • custom-modal-dialog

    Sample code for calling a custom Aras form in a modal dialog.

  • custom-form-css

    Demonstrates how to customize form field appearance with custom CSS.

  • auto-workflow-assignment

    Demonstrates how to implement dynamic workflow assignments based on properties of the controlled item.

  • download-multiple-files

    Contains sample methods for how to download multiple files from the main grid and the relationships grid.

  • refresh-from-database

    Adds a toolbar button to the item tearoff window which refreshes the item with information from the database.

  • custom-tech-docs

    Contains various tips and tricks for customizing the Aras Technical Documentation application

  • auto-workflow-email

    Demonstrates automatic workflow email notifications.

  • vm-sample-application

    This sample application is designed to show developers how they can use the Configurator Services API to create custom applications.

  • aras-send-to

    Lets user check-in Files to Innovator directly from the Windows Explorer Context menu "Send To".

    Language:Visual Basic5
  • auto-workflow-branching

    The project demonstrates automatic workflow branching based on a property of the controlled item.

  • cui-workflow-vote

    This project adds a "Workflow Vote" CUI button to the Aras item window toolbar. The button allows the user to select a Workflow Task assigned to their InBasket and submit a vote without navigating away from the item form.

  • aras-homepage

    The homepage acts as a directory for easy access to your Aras Innovator installations.

  • change-management-actions

    This package contains convenience actions for PRs and ECRs.

  • run-client-method

    Adds a method and action to run client-side Methods from the method editor

  • variants

    An import package and sample data to demonstrate an implementation of Variant Configuration.

  • mbom-export

    This project adds an export action to the Process Plan item provided by the Aras Manufacturing Process Planning application.

  • cm2

    This package modifies the base PLM application to provide 4 Star Certified CM2 capabilities.

  • workflow-timeline

    This project demonstrates how to implement a timeline view of an item's workflow process.

  • identity-map

    Demonstrates how to execute a Query Definition programmatically and visualize the output with D3.

  • tree-grid-view-sample

    Includes a simple demonstration of Aras Tree Grid View (TGV) functionality.

  • aras-workflow-approval

    An import package and steps to assist with the installation/configuration of the Aras Workflow Approval add-in for Outlook 365.

  • method-editor-theme-preference

    Adds an additional field to the User Preference that allows you to specify which theme should be used for the code editor.

  • PLM-ALM-with-GitLab

    Light Integration between Aras PLM and Gitlab (ALM solution)

  • hide-tabs-by-identity

    Sample code demonstrates how to disable or remove tabs based on current user's identity membership.

  • set-tab-color

    Allows configuration of relationship tab color.

  • collab-folders

    Adds handling of multi-level Folder structures.

  • my-recent-items

    This Add-On Package adds a stack to track the N recently visited items per user login.

  • hide-tabs

    Demonstrates how to hide specific tabs on a tear-off form.

  • tab-forms

    Demonstrates how to display a custom form in a relationship tab.

  • auto-workflow-launch

    Demonstrates the launching of a workflow from a server event or action.

  • CustomPreferences

    Aras Innovator用户个性化功能

  • BreadcrumbNavigation

    Aras Innovator面包屑导航功能

  • NavigationPage

