
There are 8 repositories under camera-lidar-calibration topic.

  • heethesh/lidar_camera_calibration

    Light-weight camera LiDAR calibration package for ROS using OpenCV and PCL (PnP + LM optimization)

  • zhixy/multical

    Multiple targets for multiple IMUs, cameras and LiDARs (Lasers) spatiotemporal calibration

  • TurtleZhong/camera_lidar_calibration_v2

    ROS VERSION: A tool used for calibrate 2D laser range finder (LRF) and camera.version1:

  • yurimjeon1892/EFGH

    EFGHNet: A Versatile Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Network for Extreme Outdoor Environment

  • eugeniu1994/Stereo-Camera-LiDAR-calibration

    Master thesis project realized in partnership with Aalto University and Finnish Geospatial Research Institute of Finland. Stereo Camera-LiDAR calibration. Covers: mono and stereo camera calibration, Camera-LIDAR synchronisation, camera-based and LiDAR-based 3D reconstruction, Camera-LiDAR extrinsic calibration, Occlusion handling.

  • up2metric/cam2lidar

    We utilize sensors, such as camera and lidar, in order to acquire information of our environment. Fusion of data from sensors allows you to identify objects in a scene. Cam2lidar converts data from these 2 sensors into the same coordinate system.

  • hardjet/robot_basic_tools

    Multi-sensors calibration and data time anaylse for robot.

  • louislelay/semantic_sensor_fusion

    This project aims to enhance the robot's ability to associate its surroundings with objects, thereby imbuing them with meaning, and subsequently applying SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) techniques.
