There are 13 repositories under dax-studio topic.
Business Insights 360 - Power BI Project for AtliQ Hardware. Explore the repository to see how we transformed data into actionable insights for AtliQ Hardware.
This is a dynamic data analysis project, showcasing proficiency in Power BI, SQL, and DAX. From data cleaning to creating interactive dashboards, this journey incorporates skills in DAX language, Power BI services, and business-related terms.
Global Super Store Sale for the year 22-23 calculated sum of margin and total revenu basic calculation sum of shipping and product by region sum of ssalesperson and no.items by customer sum of region and salesperson by product showcasing sum of margin, total revenue and shipping based on salesperson and total number of isets sold by year and month
To get the loan details of each customer information using powerbi visulization and preparing interactive report Total Loan Applications: Total Funded Amount: Total Amount Received: Average Interest Rate: Average Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI): The primary objective of the Details Dashboard is to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly interface
Business Insights 360 - Power BI Project for AtliQ Hardware. Explore the repository to see how we transformed data into actionable insights for AtliQ Hardware.
Analisar o desempenho das operadoras no atendimento das reclamações registradas por usuários de telecomunicações no sistema Anatel Consumidor
Análise do preço médio do combustível automobilístico no Brasil ao longo do ano de 2022
Analisar os gastos e prestações de contas dos Senadores Brasileiros, através da “Cota para Exercícios da Atividade Parlamentar”, disponibilizadas por meio de dados públicos do Senado Federal
Analisar os dados referentes ao detalhamento quantitativo das bolsas PROUNI concedidas no ano de 2021.
Indicadores de atendimento de chamados em uma empresa de serviços de tecnologia.
Melhorar a compreensão dos dados de vendas da empresa Data Travels para identificar oportunidades de crescimento e otimizar suas estratégias de marketing.
Dashboard Financeiro para otimização de fluxo de caixa e visão abrangente de Receitas e despesas de uma empresa de logística.
A comprehensive Dashboard which provides better understanding of the business's market standing, key focus areas for optimization, underperforming customers, and year-wise financial insights, aiding in better inventory planning and performance tracking. Further it can be used in answering n number of why questions based on the situations.