
There are 128 repositories under dc-motor topic.

  • RpiMotorLib


    A python 3 library to connect various motor systems to a raspberry pi single board computer

  • adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Motor

    Helpers for controlling PWM based motors and servos

  • saleem-hadad/zino

    🤖 Custom Arduino library made for humans.

  • Jarins/Solder-Paste-Dispenser-with-DCMotor

    Motorized solder paste dispenser

  • ShivamShrirao/number_plate_face_recognition_IOT_project

    Training Number Plate detector using SSD mobilenet v2, Tensorflow Object Detection and face recognition.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook203214
  • gyani-codes/FOPID-tuner-using-GA

    A fractional order PID controller is tuned using genetic algorithm , to control the speed of DC motor

  • jmsv/l293d

    Python module to drive DC motors from a Raspberry Pi using the L293D chip

  • hakan-demirli/PID-FPGA

    PID controller on an FPGA with custom RS232 addressing protocol.

  • sichkar-valentyn/Intelligent_Mobile_Robot

    Intelligent Navigation System of mobile robot with ten Ultrasonic sensors, user interface via C# Windows Form Application, instructions and videos on how to assemble mobile robotic platform

  • GallVp/arduino-pid-dcmotor

    A short and smart code for dc motor speed control using arduino.

  • harshitsoni01/python_arduino_projects

    Arduino programs written in Python using Pyfirmata

  • ArsenioDev/DC-motor-positional-control

    Working towards a positional control for DC motors with encoders

  • dg-029/Speed-Control-of-DC-motor-using-PID-Controller

    This project is an attempt to implement a speed control system for a DC Motor using the PID controller on MATLAB. To achieve this, we couple the output of motor to a control circuit which senses and rectifies the error in angular position and velocity till the desired pre-determined point. We study the Ziegler-Nichols Method for speed control and then use some manual fine-tuning to optimise PID controller gains (Kp, Ki, Kd) for desired performance

  • ruhulaminparvez/code-arduino

    I will use this repo for my Arduino code and projects

  • Bachelor-Thesis-Project-ML-Based-Conveyor-Belt-for-Detecting-Separating-Rotten-Fruits


    This repo contains my bachelor thesis project which is a conveyor belt system that detects and separates rotten fruits using machine learning.

  • Saadia-Hassan/Authentication_based_unlocking_using_8051

    This project is built in order to understand the basic working principles of 8051 and get familiarized with the IO pins of 8051.

  • SolarFlower-Vikasa/SunFlower

    Solar Tracker Code for Vikasa

  • AbdAlazezAhmed/Arduinoa-Lift-Elevator

    Arduino controlled lift

  • evanlivingston/MC-2100-motor-speed-controller

    Arduino firmware for interfacing with a common DC motor controller

  • PowerBroker2/MotorController

    Easy to use Arduino library to control virtually any DC/stepper motor

  • RS2VN/16-channel-PWM-controller-I2C-RPi-PCA9685

    Adafruit 16-channel PWM Servo HAT controlling 8 led. The project tests PCA9685 for using it to control DC motors and servos

  • santimontiel/DC-Motor-Control-FPGA

    ⚙️ Code of my Diseño Electrónico's Final Project "DC Motor Control with FPGA" done in collaboration with Ana Belén Bartolomé.

  • Yeaseen/Micro-controller-Project

    This project belongs to detect any alcoholic driver for avoiding unnecessary accidents. To do this we built a system using MQ-5 gas sensor which can detect alcohol gas and glow a green signal at the back of its led. We are assuming a motor as a vehicle. Now if it sense any alcohol gas then this will be displayed on the LCD display and system will block the motor. That means if any driver gets alcoholic, this system will detect that.

  • zygios/Airwick_ESPM3

    Airwick freshmatic integration to Domoticz

  • allmyservos/allmyservos

    Fun with PWM

  • aMorteza/DC-Motor-Velocity-Control

    DC-Motor analysis, transfer function is given.

  • arduino279/DirectCurrent-Motor-Module

    Control DirectCurrent motors

  • avestura/DCMotor

    ⚡ DCMotor speed control using ATMega32, Simulated in Proteus

  • khloodelhossiny/Home_Automation_BY_FreeRTOS

    The Home Automation monitoring the home climate and illumination

  • maciejzj/maze-bot

    Arduino/ATMega based MazeBot mobile robot created for a project at Silesian University of Technology, features control system for DC motors drive.

  • mumaroffice/Car-Parking-System-on-PIC18

    This includes a project on designing Car Parking System using PIC-18F452 and IR sensors. A LCD has also been interfaced which displays "Available Slots=".

  • sanjidaaaziz/Temperature-controlled-DC-fan

    Temperature controlled DC fan is the simulation of the fan speed control system using a room temperature sensor, DC motor and Arduino Uno.

  • SayanChakraborty126/WNCS_Delay_Estimation_Compensation

    This repository is dedicated to Wireless Network Control (WNC). This contains algorithms designed by us to compensate time-delays occurring in a WNC. The control architecture proposed by us is versatile in the sense that it can be adapted for biomedical, industrial, and robotic applications. This work is published in the International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Springer. The users may go through the publication (attached) before using this repository.

  • yahiayasser/Door_Locker

    Door_Locker Two micro-controllers, one acts as a HMI (Human Machine Interface) This micro-controller has a Dio module, LCD Module, Keypad Module and UART Module This one will be used just interfacing with user. The other micro-controller will be responsible for controlling the motor (actuation part) This micro-controller has a Dio module, Timer Module, DC_Motor Module and UART Module This one will be used for just Controlling the motor that will act as the lock for the door. The scenario will be as following: 1- first use Mode: the user will be prompted to enter pass and confirm it using keypad, if passwords are matched the password will be saved to the internal EEPROM of the first micro-controller. If the passwords are not matched it will tell you that the passwords are not matched and ask you to re-enter passwords. 2- Operating Mode: LCD Shows Supported Operations: a- Open the door: If the user choose to open the door he will be prompted to enter the password, if he fails with 4 trials, he will have to wait for 30 seconds to re-enter the password again. if the password is right, a message will be sent to the other micro-controller using uart to open the door. b- Change Password : user must enter the old password first to change. 3- Opening the door: When the message of opening the door will be received at the second micro-controller, it will rotate the motor 0.5 in the clockwise direction. 4- Closing the door: At first micro-controller, a message will be shown: "[1]Close Lock", if the user entered 1 a message will be sent to the other micro-controller to close the door, the second micro-controller will receive the message and rotate motor will rotate 0.5 in the anticlockwise direction. The LCD at the first micro controller will reflect any action / State happens at the system. for example if the door is opening it should show : Lock is opened

  • varunram2001/Dynamic-Braking-System-for-Autonomous-Vehicles

    This braking system was a part of my second year project at VIT Bhopal. Arduino UNO, Motor, motor driver, HC-SR04 sensor and breadboard were used to build a cheap, yet efficient braking system with reduced response time that can be used in Autonomous vehicles for smart braking and assistance.
