- 1
- 4
Motor kit / motor issues
#75 opened by kxagan - 2
`kit.continuous_servo[1].throttle = None` doesn't work like `kit.servo[1].angle = None`
#74 opened by cTurtle98 - 8
- 3
Get Angle
#73 opened by arnaudbore - 3
Does this library work with raspberry pi?
#71 opened by padmalcom - 2
- 0
- 1
Documentation not building latest
#62 opened by tekktrik - 4
Add method to manually set pulse width
#41 opened by kelliott121 - 11
ServoKit problem on Jetson Nano
#58 opened by belovictor - 1
Missing Type Annotations
#56 opened by FoamyGuy - 1
- 3
- 6
- 1
- 3
Remove methods on DCMotor and ContinuousServo
#18 opened by dhalbert - 2
Example should be renamed to include simpletest
#31 opened by kattni - 3
Add servo examples not dependent on PCA9685
#25 opened by dhalbert - 9
provide a way to turn off a Servo
#17 opened by dhalbert - 2
provide a way to turn off stepper
#19 opened - 3
- 0
- 2
- 5
- 3