
There are 128 repositories under disaster-response topic.

  • potatoqualitee/eol-dr

    🕊️ A crowd-sourced guide to help techs help their non-tech spouses / partners / parents / kids when we are at the end-of-life

  • HTBox/allReady

    This repo contains the code for allReady, an open-source solution focused on increasing awareness, efficiency and impact of preparedness campaigns as they are delivered by humanitarian and disaster response organizations in local communities.

  • openboxes/openboxes

    OpenBoxes is a supply chain management system designed to manage inventory and track stock movements for healthcare facilities.

  • disaster-robotics-proalertas/usv_sim_lsa

    Unmanned Surface Vehicle simulation on Gazebo with water current and winds

  • Resgrid/Core

    The Open Source Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Personnel, Shift Management, Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Emergency Management Platform that powers Resgrid.com

  • CodeandoMexico/terremoto-cdmx

    Respuesta rápida ante el terremoto de la CDMX

  • UNITAR-UNOSAT/UNOSAT-AI-Based-Rapid-Mapping-Service

    This GitHub repository contains the machine learning models described in Edoardo Nemnni, Joseph Bullock, Samir Belabbes, Lars Bromley Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Rapid Flood Segmentation in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook524215
  • multimodal_social_media


    multimodal social media content (text, image) classification

  • Code4PuertoRico/suministrospr

    Suministros Puerto Rico - Entérate, Ayuda, Informa

  • DisasterTechCrew/awesome-disastertech

    A selection of projects, organisations and useful tools that help humans in crisis situations.

  • Devzstudio/Disaster-Management

    ⛈️⚡ Disaster Management Web Application

  • ladi-overview


    Overview of the Low Altitude Disaster Imagery (LADI) Dataset

  • vhertel/radar-based-flood-mapping

    This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook for automatic flood extent mapping using space-based information.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook222125
  • medic


    Multi-Task Learning for Disaster Image Classification using MEDIC

  • SrzStephen/DisaVu

    A disaster response solution that helps allocate resources to where they're needed.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18304
  • oredions/emily-tracker

    This project uses the video from a small unmanned aerial system to autonomously navigate an unmanned surface vehicle covered in a flotation jacket to reach drowning victims.

  • crisis_datasets_benchmarks


    Crisis Dataset for Benchmarks Experiments

  • thbappy7706/DIU-Charity-Arcade-A-Crowd-Funding-Web-Application

    A crowd funding website which is for disaster affected people. People can donate money, blood, cloths, medicines etc for those who are in need. This project is built with Laravel Framework

  • rodekruis/IBF-system

    Tools required to trigger, manage and execute the Red Cross Early Action Protocols for natural disasters.

  • bounswe2023group1


    Disaster Response Platform, Software Development

  • prateeksawhney97/Disaster-Response-Pipeline

    This Project is a part of Data Science Nanodegree Program by Udacity in collaboration with Figure Eight. The initial dataset contains pre-labelled tweet and messages from real-life disasters. The aim of this project is to build a Natural Language Processing tool that categorize messages.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8302
  • QingYang6/RAPID-NRT-flood-maps-on-AWS

    Product Info, Background, and Data Structure

  • sparrow-platform/duck-sparrow-link

    LoRa mesh deeply integrated with Sparrow Platform, inspired by Project Owl

  • sparrow-platform/sparrow

    Sparrow platform project summary; build Repository for sparrow-platform.com

  • prannayk/NEUIR

    Neural network techniques for Information Retrieval

  • arasgungore/bounswe2023group2

    A disaster response system which enables effective coordination and distribution of relief efforts during a disaster.

  • KOSASIH/AuroraAxiom

    Official repository for the AuroraAxiom project.

  • ArtOfCode-/SCOT

    Disaster response and relief management for volunteer teams.

  • JonathanGarro/SIMS-Portal

    IFRC Surge Information Management Support Portal

  • MohanCR97/Udacity-Data_Scientist_Nanodegree

    This repository consists of all the projects carried out by me during the period of Data scientist Nanodegree

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4102
  • ObinnaIheanachor/Disaster-Response

    This repository contains project files for a Flask app that classifies disaster messages into relevant categories.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • pulkithanda/GST-disaster-alerter

    A disaster management website known as Direct Relief was made by me for my GST project. Description in Readme. Feel free to leave a star if you like it.

  • unicef/magicbox-maps-prototype

    Suggest schools and regions most in need of infrastructure and planning for disaster prevention and response

  • kristinvmartin/datawarehouse-fema-bu

    This is a dimensional data warehouse that seeks to provide insights into the raw data that FEMA provides publicly for its Individual and Housing Program. I used Jupyter Notebook, Python (Pandas, NumPy, Pyodbc), and SQL to perform ETL on the dataset, loading the warehouse based on the schema I designed. I created visualizations using Tableau from the data warehouse to provide targeted insights that answered the key business questions of the project (see README file). Note: If etl_IHP.ipynb is throwing an error on load, it can be viewed using nbviewer by following this link: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/kristinvmartin/datawarehouse-fema-bu/blob/main/etl_IHP.ipynb, or you can view the CODEONLY file, which has the scripts without the output.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • LindaElmhadhbi/POLARISCO

    POLARISCO: a BFO-compliant modular suit of ontologies

  • Resgrid/ngxresgridlib

    Angular library for utilizing the Resgrid V4 API. Resgrid is a dispatch solution for first responders, businesses and industry.
