- 0
Idempotency Issue with SMS sending function: Add duplicate message detection
#2386 opened by NullPointer4096 - 7
Is This Repository still maintained??
#2362 opened by Chibuikekenneth - 1
Is this repo maintain so far?
#2373 opened by aathil1231 - 0
Visual studio problems to run C/C++
#2368 opened by leoolessa - 3
Error when signing up to the mail list
#2361 opened by p0onage - 2
Event Details - Assign volunteers
#2242 opened by stevejgordon - 13
AllReady.ScenarioTest Issues
#2345 opened by oneolddev - 1
NETSDK1059 warning
#2344 opened by oneolddev - 4
Gulp 3.9.1 Issues with Node 10
#2346 opened by oneolddev - 2
Campaign Start/End Date does not appear correctly on Admin/Event/Create page
#2348 opened by oneolddev - 2
[HTBox outreach]Seeking blog posts from contributors
#2323 opened by BillWagner - 1
- 1
Create Powershell script to install prereqs
#2324 opened by jimholmes - 1
Virtual - Server Error in '/' Application - A person cannot belong to more than one organization. - happens when Register New Organization with 'test' in Organization Name and all the other fields empty
#2336 opened by ChrisStar - 1
Virtual - Server Error in '/' Application - Logged-in person not found or is an administrator - happens when Register New Organization with ´ in Organization Name and all the other fields empty
#2337 opened by ChrisStar - 1
Virtual - CheckinResource - Many chars in Quantity gives an error messages that stretches the webpage a long way to the right
#2338 opened by ChrisStar - 0
Virtual-Register A New organization
#2335 opened by rainingviolets - 0
Virtual-My Organization page - Location Field
#2334 opened by rainingviolets - 0
Virtual-Change Contact Info
#2333 opened by rainingviolets - 0
Virtual-Volunteer Home-Description Text
#2332 opened by rainingviolets - 0
Virtual-Remove Button on Volunteer Page
#2331 opened by rainingviolets - 1
- 0
- 0
Virtual - Resources - when selecting Future date and clicked view resources - getting 500 console error
#2328 opened by bhavanirdckap - 1
Server Error in '/' Application while navigation
#2326 opened by testingguru2018 - 0
Incorrect search result for incorrect date format
#2327 opened by testingguru2018 - 4
STAREast: Urgent: Cannot Log In
#2319 opened by DanniRiggin - 2
- 1
Microservices Proof of Concept
#2321 opened by dzoech - 0
Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.1
#2314 opened by stevejgordon - 3
Task Details - Add button to assign users
#2244 opened by stevejgordon - 1
Re-use component for editing Locations
#2287 opened by morcs - 2
Update jQuery Libraries to Current Stable Version
#2300 opened by MisterJames - 1
Implement UnitTest builder pattern for AllReady.Areas.Admin.Controllers.CampaignController
#2283 opened by Paul-Hadfield - 1
Implement UnitTest builder pattern for AllReady.Areas.Admin.Controllers.EventController
#2263 opened by Paul-Hadfield - 6
Potential deadlocks due to .Result calls?
#2250 opened by dracan - 3
- 2
- 1
Provide Administrative Controls to Unlock Users
#2246 opened by MisterJames - 2
Update publish button in Campaign Details page
#2295 opened by stevejgordon - 3
Campaigns Lister Page (Admin) Update button to use text rather than an icon
#2291 opened by stevejgordon - 3
First and last name validation
#2249 opened by dracan - 2
- 7
Investigate (and Create?) Container Images with Requisite Tools to Contribute
#2247 opened by MisterJames - 3
Create Task - Display Event Date Range
#2240 opened by stevejgordon - 2
Event Details (Public) - Add Social Share Buttons
#2245 opened by stevejgordon - 1
Error on the Admin Event Details View
#2251 opened by jamesatgreymetis - 2
404 for system.js
#2277 opened by dracan - 3
Create Task - Form Changes
#2239 opened by stevejgordon - 2
Missing npm install instruction in the setup guide
#2248 opened by dracan