
There are 51 repositories under dublin topic.

  • public-transport-ireland


    Node.js module with utility functions to get real time data for Irish public transport (Irish Rail, Luas, Dublin Bus)

  • thecosmicfrog/LuasataGlance

    Android Wear and mobile app providing real-time tram stop information for Dublin's Luas light rail service.

  • phoxis/MeetupNetDublin

    Discovering communities in meetup.com network in Dublin

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9301
  • oisinq/dbikes-planner

    dBikes Planner: A predictive journey planner Android app and Python back-end API for Dublin Bikes

  • allentv/DataScienceMachineLearning

    A collection of my notes and information that I came across while exploring Machine Learning and Data Science. This information is primarily targeted at my meetup group - Dublin Data Science Beginners. If you are in Dublin, I would like to extend an invitation to attend one of the meetup sessions. Good luck with your learning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6507
  • codema-dev/projects

    Download, wrangle & explore all Irish energy datasets used by the codema-dev team

  • manningb/dublin-bikes-predictions-web-app

    Schedule and Predictions for Dublin Bikes using the Dublin Bikes API, OpenWeatherMap API, Google Maps, Flask & Data Analytics using Pandas & Sklearn.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6100
  • Botazio/UCD-DublinBus

    Group project for Research Practicum

  • ronanmu/luas.py

    Python module for Luas :tram: travel updates API

  • sachsom95/Dublin_bikes_official

    The repository is for dublin bikes app. Look at Wiki for development progress. Website shut down due to insufficient aws creds :(

  • aviralchharia/Autonomous-Vehicle-based-on-Dublin-Luas-Light-Rail-System

    To develop an autonomous vehicle using Arduino (Atmega-328p) & remote wireless supervisory control (using, XCTU & XBee or C#) with capability of ultrasonic obstacle detection & avoidance, self-parking, stopping at gantries in its path & safely co-existing with other vehicles. The Infra-Red module, Transmitter & Receiver circuits were designed & fabricated on a PCB from scratch to develop the vehicle.

  • codema-dev/maps

    Redirects to new URL https://codema-dev.github.io

  • langphil/Commute-pi

    A python script that checks local transport links to help decision make better decisions around my morning commute.

  • msolefonte/dublin-pollution-piper

    Open Source application that gathers real-time data about traffic and Nitrogen Dioxide pollution around Dublin, Ireland. Results are merged and stored into a MySQL database.

  • trips-ie/dublin-weekend-getaway

    Plan a weekend trip from Dublin, Ireland

  • alienfrenZyNo1/luas-geo

    LUAS wait times with hopes to implement Geo Fencing and a Wear OS app. Hosted on my own Linode VPS running Ubuntu 16, with CapRover as my App (Docker) manager.

  • erinkhoo/House_pricing_dataset

    House pricing dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • LookOnTheBrightSide/busted_app

    Main application repository for Team Busted

  • msolefonte/dublin-pollution-visualizer

    Open Source application that allows visualization real-time data about traffic and Nitrogen Dioxide pollution around Dublin, Ireland. To be used together with Dublin Pollution Piper.

  • skhg/dublinbikes_nodejs

    🚲 An unofficial NodeJS module to access station status information for the DublinBikes bike-sharing service.

  • bconti8/Msc_DA_CA2

    Welcome to the Data Verification project for bus and tram passenger volume in Dublin and Basel.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • josericodata


    Adding a cool README file

  • MScDataAnalyticsFirstSemesterAssignmentOne


    Summary of Assignment One from the first semester of the MSc in Data Analytics program. This repository contains the CA1 assignment guidelines from the college and my submission. To see all original commits and progress, please visit the original repository using the link below.

  • MScDataAnalyticsFirstSemesterAssignmentTwo


    Summary of Assignment Two from the first semester of the MSc in Data Analytics program. This repository contains the CA2 assignment guidelines from the college and my submission. To see all original commits and progress, please visit the original repository using the link below.

  • MScDataAnalyticsSecondSemesterAssignmentOne


    Summary of Assignment One from the Second semester of the MSc in Data Analytics program. This repository contains the CA1 assignment guidelines from the college and my submission. To see all original commits and progress, please visit the original repository using the link below.

  • MScDataAnalyticsSecondSemesterAssignmentTwo


    Summary of Assignment Two from the Second semester of the MSc in Data Analytics program. This repository contains the CA2 assignment guidelines from the college and my submission. To see all original commits and progress, please visit the original repository using the link below.

  • MySQLPortfolio


    Updating my portfolio with MySQL examples. This project uses MySQL Workbench to analyze the Classic Models database, a fictional company selling miniature vehicles globally from 2003 to 2005. Some scenarios include counting rows, identifying top customers, ranking sales reps and offices, sales, stock, and tracking orders and revenue.

  • RPortfolio


    Classic Models In R project showcases data analysis using R. It covers establishing a MySQL connection, using R Studio for various analyses including bar charts, pie charts, diverging bar charts, histograms, ordered bar charts, treemaps, and world maps. The scenarios demonstrate R's graphical capabilities with Classic Models dataset.

  • mavinii/portfolio


  • teresaq1/Parking-Analysis-in-Dublin-city

    Parking volume analysis in Dublin city centre- college project

  • easybulb/love-running

    Love Running is a community-focused website dedicated to bringing together running enthusiasts in Dublin, Ireland. Whether you're into urban running through the Dublin Docklands or trail running in the scenic Phoenix Park, Love Running provides the perfect platform to connect, share, and stay informed about local running events.

  • josericodata.github.io


    Welcome to my portfolio website. This site showcases my skills, experience, education, and projects as a Data Analyst.

  • PowerBIPortfolio


    Creating Power BI dashboards for "Classic Models" to track KPIs using data from MySQL. Scenarios include inventory breakdowns, finance and sales insights, and regional performance analysis. Visualizations feature funnels, column charts, pie charts, and maps. Power BI Desktop is used for its diverse visuals.

  • PythonPortfolio


    Using Python in Jupyter Notebook to recreate queries for imaginary stakeholders. Demonstrates connecting to MySQL, exporting tables to Excel, merging data, cleaning datasets, and counting orders. Visualizations include bar plots, revenue plots, pie charts, scatter charts, and map manipulation with geopandas. Dataset from MySQL.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10