
There are 45 repositories under dynamic-content topic.

  • dynamicreports/dynamicreports

    Java reporting library for creating dynamic report designs at runtime

  • zircon63/ng-torque

    Angular library for easy use dynamic components and templates in your angular app's

  • simomosi/dynamic-forms

    DynamicForms is a client library to automate progressive filtering and initialisation of dynamic fields in an easy and fast way.

  • tabcat/dynamic-content

    Hosting Dynamic Content on IPFS

  • Thiritin/open-signage

    A digital signage solution built on Laravel, Inertia.js, and Vue.js. Open Signage serves webpages for digital signage screens, running on Chrome in kiosk mode. It features dynamic data updates via Socketi and allows users to create playlists for rotating announcements and media presentations.

  • daniruiz/Ethenis-Framework

    Ethenis is a PHP and JavaScript framework developed to speed up the creation of Single Page Applications. Unlike other projects, Ethenis focuses on a single goal, allowing its size and execution time to stay minimum and thus preventing the slowdown of our page.

  • Ammarillo/DreamSignage

    A Node.js-based digital signage solution. Supports various file formats for seamless viewing on all devices. Features include fullscreen view, responsive design, offline capability, websockets integration, and cross-platform deployment. Elevate your display experience with DreamSignage.

  • juliofslt/Zendesk-restore-and-backup-tool

    Tool to help you backup and restore your Zendesk triggers, automation, macros, and dynamic content using Google's spreadsheet.

  • williankeller/bigpipe-pipeline

    BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance built in PHP

  • JEBailey/rava

    Rava Javascript Library

  • juliofslt/Dynamic-Content-Creator-Zendesk

    Zendesk Dynamic Content - Forms, Fields, Values, and more.

  • klocus/load-more

    Simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that downloads remote content by AJAX on scroll or on button click.

  • Maoshu413/dynamic_crawler

    Crawler using ad hoc Selenium for dynamically-loaded websites. Crawls category lists drop-downs and URLs (can by DIY).

  • meaningfy-ws/eds4jinja2

    An easy way to reports generation with Jinja2 templates. With Embedded Datasource Specifications inside Jinja2 templates, you can fetch the data you need on the spot.

  • SajidBhatti786/Ecommerce-website

    This repository contains a responsive e-commerce website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website features dynamic content, a cart functionality, and a search bar. Users can browse through different categories, view product details, add items to their cart, and search for specific products.

  • Vilgefortzz/football-tournaments

    Web application for organizing and managing football tournaments made in laravel framework

  • ajmeese7/dynamic-page-retrieval

    Scrape data from JS-rendered pages

  • binderb/code-quiz

    An interactive browser quiz that provides instant feedback on user selections and features a high score page.

  • icyflame21/Meal-Finder

    Solo Project executed in 2 days , Tech Stack used HTML, CSS, JS with no usage of external libraries , implementation of localStorage, debouncing on search bar, dynamic UI & content loading with paginations. All the dynamic data are fetched using MealDb API

  • mmuddinhamza/PalmPoweredCourseGenerator

    Flask application leveraging Palm 2 API to dynamically generate and serve educational content for any given subject or learning topic.

  • valdidar/template_generation_website

    The Template Generation Website is a powerful tool that allows users to create, manage, and utilize customizable templates effortlessly. Developed as part of an internship project by UST Global, this user-friendly web application simplifies template creation and provides a seamless user experience.

  • Gabriela-Patrichi/Full-Stack-App-Matata-Traveller

    This project involves developing a full stack application. MySQL database (3NF). Back-end developed in Java, using Spring Boot framework and Spring Data JPA, with ORM for database interaction. MVC. Exception handling and data validation have been thoroughly implemented. Front-end developed using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.Third-party APIs.

  • JoseGonzCSE/WeatherApp

    A weather application that allows you to check the current weather conditions for a city. You can enter the name of a city, and the app will provide you with real-time weather information.

  • mamunallrasid/AASM

    AASM Garden Wesbite At Raiganj University Developed Using Bootstrap Template & PHP

  • mukuliskul/Website-CSGO

    This project is where one of my two favourite worlds collide, my passion for Web Development and my childhood memories of playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). I share my journey, programming tips, and epic CS:GO moments. Join me in exploring CS:GO and the magic of web development!

  • ng-template-usecase


    Examples of ng-template use cases in Angular for creating reusable components, dynamic content, customization, and conditional rendering.

  • siddhant-vij/Dynamic-Newsletter-Tool

    Personalized newsletter generator with dynamic content using Go's template engine.

  • amplience/dc-extension-bynder

    Amplience Content Field Extension with Bynder to browse and select assets

  • andresilmor/Remote-Controlled-Application-in-Virtual-Reality-for-360-Visualization-with-Eye-Tracking

    This VR application is set to be minimalist and controlled remotely by a Web Platform through WebSockets messages containing commands, it uses JSON and Protobuf. The 360/panoramic images are retrived from the server as binary when ordered by the Web Application, being processed in Unity to create the Sphere with 360º View.

  • chandan0069/guess-number-flask

    Guess the Number Flask App is a simple web application built using Flask that allows users to guess a randomly generated number between 0 and 9. Users can input their guesses via the URL, and the application will provide feedback on whether the guess was too high, too low, or correct.

  • kasperjha/nuxt-strapi-template

    A minimal, preconfigured and opinionated Nuxt+Strapi template that enables getting up and running quickly with strapi and nuxt 🚀

  • kasperjha/nuxt-strapi-zone-utils

    Nuxt module with utility components that automatically render dynamic content from your Strapi instance.

  • Tonya-Napoli/Interactive-DOM-Manipulation

    Advanced manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM) to create dynamic, interactive web pages.

  • Vattghern203/rokugan

    Implementation of Intersection and Mutation Obsever to achieve dynamic content and lazy loading,.
