There are 89 repositories under explanatory-data-analysis topic.
A Recommender system that predicts your next order based on your previous purchases. Also, it discuss the association between product purchases.
Basics of ML libraries Explained through Jupyter Notebooks
Divar's 2021 Data Analyst summer camp entrance task.
A Comprehensive exploratory data analysis (EDA) on a loan dataset to uncover key trends, patterns, and relationships among various loan attributes. By visualizing and analyzing the data, we aim to gain insights into loan performance, borrower characteristics, and market dynamics. 🪙🏦
This repository contains my learning path of python for data-science essential training(part-2). Here, I have included chapter-wise topics and my practice problems. Also, feel free to checkout for better understanding.
This repository contains 3 projects that were carried out and submitted for my ALX Udacity Data Analyst Course
Predict house price using linear regression model
What attributes influence the selection of a romantic partner?
Crawl data, process data, visualize, and create ML model for laptop price prediction
🏘 Ames house dataset modelled and explained
This repository was just for my practice. Here, I have performed explanatory data analysis on the famous titanic dataset from kaggle.
The analysis and prediction of TMDB dataset
The objective of this work is to investigate factors affecting borrower rate and loan amount.
Stock Price Prediction of APPLE Using Python
# PISA 2012 Data ## by Nadine Amin ## Dataset > PISA is a survey of students' skills and knowledge as they approach the end of compulsory education. It focuses on examining how well prepared the students are for life beyond school. > Around 510,000 students in 65 economies took part in the PISA 2012 assessment of reading, mathematics and science representing about 28 million 15-year-olds globally. Of those economies, 44 took part in an assessment of creative problem solving and 18 in an assessment of financial literacy. ## Summary of Findings > Before starting this study, I thought the features that would affect the total scores the most were the teachers' influences, the students' immigration status, the class size, and the parents' highest schooling. However, almost none of my assumptions were correct once I started to see the relationships of the variables with the total scores and with other variables. > The number of cellphones, TVs, computers & books, the parents' schooling & jobs, and the homework study time were the variables that affected the total scores. > The higher the number of cellphones, TVs, computers and books, the higher the chances of getting a better total score. This could be because the family's social status was better, and therefore provided better support for the students. > As long as the parents' schooling was level 3A or higher, there is a good chance that the students would get higher grades. Furthermore, parents who had full-time jobs resulted in their children getting higher scores. This could be because having role models to look up to will make you work harder and believe in yourself more. > Finally, students who studied for longer hours had a higher chance of scoring better. ## Key Insights for Presentation > In the presentation, I will show the plots that had an effect on the total score the most. Those include the bivariate plots of the variables mentioned above against the total score. I will also include the multivariate plot of the father and mother's jobs vs. the number of cellphones vs. the total score.
This is a part of the exercise project provided by Dicoding in "Learn Data Analytics with Python" course.
🍷 Quality analysis of red and white variants of the Portuguese "Vinho Verde" wine
University of California Davis Specialization Certificate in Data Visualization with Tableau
This is the 6th project in my data analysis nanodegree and it focuses on prforming exploratory data analysis ( or EDA for short ) in R
The dataset that I will be wrangling, analyzing and visualizing is the tweet archive of Twitter user @dog_rates, also known as WeRateDogs. WeRateDogs is a Twitter account that rates people's dogs with a humorous comment about the dog. These ratings almost always have a denominator of 10. The numerators, though? Almost always greater than 10. 11/10, 12/10, 13/10, etc. Why? Because "they're good dogs Brent." WeRateDogs has over 4 million followers and has received international media coverage.
EDA with Python (Pandas and Matplotlib)
Data Analysis of potential factors affecting water pipe breakage
Cleaned FordGoBike data for 2019 was analyzed using different pots (univariate and multivariate) to draw conclusion over the distribution relation between different categorical and numerical variables
This data set contains 113,937 loans with 81 variables on each loan, including loan amount, borrower rate (or interest rate), current loan status, borrower income, and many others. The analysis explore the factors and patterns in the creditworthiness of borrowers and the borrowing trend of Prosper Loan Business.
Performed an exploratory data analysis using python and presented explanatory plots that convey insights of data.
Automating process of EDA (Explaratory Data Analysis) with Generative AI and opensource python tools.
This repository contains 3 projects that were carried out and submitted for my ALX Udacity Data Analyst Course
This project was the last project of my data analyst nanodegree : Creating a data story with Tableau
The purpose of this report is to analyze medical appointment data to identify factors influencing no-show rates
Worldwide-Mortality-Analysis-2021 examines COVID-19's impact on global mortality rates and national responses, revealing significant age-related effects and highlighting disparities linked to institutional trust rather than income inequality.
Exploratory Data Analysis on Marathon
Data Analysis about Wines. Exploratory Data Analysis in the dataset and used Python to retrieve data.
Bitcoin price fluctuation prediction model using headline sentiment scores from top newpaper articles. This is the repository that includes all the data and python scripts used while creating the project.
This project was created to solve an E-Commerce business case provided by Rakamin Academy.
Predicting stock performance with LSTM