
There are 52 repositories under greenhouse-gas-emissions topic.

  • owid/co2-data

    Data on CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions by Our World in Data

  • maasglobal/sustainable-mobility-api

    Library and API to calculate CO2 emissions for personal mobility.

  • DIBS---Dynamic-ISO-Building-Simulator


    Adapted ISO13790 hourly dynamic building energy simulator (DIBS) for single buildings and building stocks - Ready to use with ENOB:dataNWG interview and on-site inspection data for the simulation of German building stocks.

  • gschivley/ghgforcing

    Python package to calculating forcing from continuous GHG emissions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook19454
  • dquintani/GreenhouseData

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6113
  • justinly15/CARGO-Hackathon

    The 2021 CARGO (Consumer Awareness of Real GHG Output) Hackathon (October 23-24, 2021) aims to create solutions to the problem of embedded greenhouse gas emissions created by the transportation sector, which accounts for the largest share of GHG emissions in the USA. We built a command line tool for calculating carbon emissions for domestic cargo transport.

  • danesherbs/carbon-footprint-plugin

    A Grafana panel to monitor the carbon footprint of AWS, GCP and Azure instances. Maintains a list of data centres and their energy sources, and computes CO2e emissions by sampling energy consumption of CPU, GPU and DRAM.

  • coditech0926/react-chart-greenhouse-gas

    Analysis of green house emissions from 1990-2014 with line charts and map using React JS.

  • NREL/GHGRP-for-Energy

    Let's explore how publicly-available data provided by the U.S. EPA's GHGRP can be used for energy analysis.

  • tomjanus/reemission

    RE-emission is a collection of methods for calculating GHG emisisons from reservoirs

  • ZeroTwentyFifty/pathfinder_network

    An implementation of the PACT Pathfinder Network Data Model in Python.

  • undp/climate-transparency

    National Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Tool for Paris Agreement. Code coordinated by ExO/CDO & BPPS/Climate. Collaboration with D4C.

  • ghostpress/employee-travel-emissions

    Code to accompany research under Boston University's Campus Climate Lab program. Attempts to quantify BU employees' GHG emissions from air travel, using Python to scrape the ICAO flight emissions calculator site and R to analyze the resulting data.

  • INPE-EM/inpeem

    INPE-EM system (INPE – Emission Model) is a software of the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) that aims to make available annual estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by land cover changes in Brazil in an explicit spatial way.

  • piyushnanwani/greenhouse-doodle

    Analysis of green house emissions from 1990-2014 with line charts and map using React JS.

  • QAWalker/BlueCarbonErosionAndDecomp

    Supplemental files accompanying McTigue, N.D., Q.A. Walker, & C.A. Currin (2021) "Refining estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from salt marsh “blue carbon” erosion and decomposition."

  • ZeroTwentyFifty/zero_twenty_fifty

    A PACT Conformant implementation of the PACT Data Exchange Protocol/Pathfinder Network in Python.

  • ashrafalaghbari/OzoneDash

    Interactive Ozone Layer Insights Dashboard: Emissions, Montreal Protocol Impact, and Ozone Stabilization

  • cjabradshaw/EnvironRankAfrica

    R code and data for structural equation models and boosted regression trees to estimate relationships between environmental degradation and socio-economic variables among African nations

  • Code-for-Korea/co2-transportation

    greenhouse gas emission monitor for nationwide transportation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1700
  • dawid-wolinski/ghg-emissions-dashboard

    Power BI dashboard of global greenhouse gas emissions data

  • IanDCF/greensfeer-be

    An online marketplace for the carbon market (server-side)

  • IanDCF/greensfeer-fe

    An online marketplace for the carbon market

  • JCGCosta/GreenhouseGasEmissionsAnalysis

    This project shows some database analysis and predicting, using inference and polynomial regression.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • michaelmoubarak/radiative-forcings-of-gaseous-emissions

    Created for but not limited to boreal forest wildfires. This repository contains code to calculate the radiative forcing from dry organic matter combustion or other releases of gaseous emissions.

  • mutindarisper/AngaAlert

    A react web application that monitors air quality index for different cities around the world

  • orelyx/NY-industry-agriculture

    Report of industry and agriculture greenhouse gas emissions from energy use (fuel combustion or electricity use) in a user-selected region of New York State (economic development regions), or for the state as a whole. Data are for years 2010-2016; primary data source is the NREL Industrial Energy Data Book (IEDB).

  • RIEEE-EDS/cdiac-dashboard

    An interactive dashboard for exploring detailed carbon emission data from fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement.

  • twrichards/emishviz

    Visualisation of greenhouse gas emissions

  • clee321/NATFOOD-dietarysubs

    Replication files for "Simple dietary substitutions can reduce carbon footprints and improve dietary quality across diverse segments of the US population"

  • dianlu/national-greenhouse-gas-emission-analysis

    An application to visualise Australia's national greenhouse gas emission

  • shanewhi/world-energy-data

    Python script that generates charts of global and national emissions and energy systems, using data from GCP, NOAA ESRL, EI, and IEA. These are published on the website below -

  • stipefrkovic/emissions-data-web-app

    [Web Engineering]

  • MUL-Chair-of-Industrial-Logistics/crrt-in-cmsc-ghg-quantification

    GHG Quantification spreadsheet for combined road-rail transportation

  • tjhunter/climate-trace-handbook

    A handbook and library to access the Climate TRACE dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Waleed-T/GHGEmissions-Python

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Nordic Countries: A Business Intelligence Study (CC BY ND NC)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10