
There are 36 repositories under keras-visualization topic.

  • livelossplot


    Live training loss plot in Jupyter Notebook for Keras, PyTorch and others

  • philipperemy/keract

    Layers Outputs and Gradients in Keras. Made easy.

  • keisen/tf-keras-vis

    Neural network visualization toolkit for tf.keras

  • alexisbcook/ResNetCAM-keras

    Keras implementation of a ResNet-CAM model

  • k-neural-api


    K-CAI NEURAL API - Keras based neural network API that will allow you to create parameter-efficient, memory-efficient, flops-efficient multipath models with new layer types. There are plenty of examples and documentation.

  • alexisbcook/keras_transfer_cifar10

    Object classification with CIFAR-10 using transfer learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1297258
  • stared/keras-sequential-ascii

    ASCII summary for simple sequential models in Keras

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1288318
  • yashk2810/MNIST-Keras

    Using various CNN techniques on the MNIST dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook426245
  • cbaziotis/keras-utilities

    Utilities for Keras - Deep Learning library

  • mahyar-amiri/keras-visualizer

    A Keras Model Visualizer

  • gallettilance/kviz Visualization library for keras neural networks. Contributions welcome

  • Hourout/beefly

    Dynamic visualization training service in Jupyter Notebook for Keras tf.keras and others.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12111
  • yuvalailer/nnplot

    :tv: A Python library for pruning and visualizing Keras Neural Networks' structure and weights

  • BaseMax/ImageRecognition

    Recognition of the images includes train and tests based on Python.

  • soms98/Stock-Price-Prediction-Time-Series-LSTM-Model-Keras-Tensorflow

    This is a model that has been trained on historical data obtained from Yahoo Finance. The data set comprises of all data records starting from the launch date of this stock in India (1996). This model aims to pick up key trends in the stock price fluctuations based on Time Series mapping. It is able to render predictions for the upcoming time period. The accuracy as obtained on the training data-set is about 90 percent and it successfully demonstrates key trends. It can be simulated on any stock in the market provided their historical data is made available. (One could use the yfinance API or download manually). Keras is used extensively along with Tensorflow for training. The model features 100 epochs of Base size 64. The training time depends on the hardware being used by the user. It is advisable to be performed on Google Colaboratory. For any issues/suggestions write to

    Language:Jupyter Notebook91010
  • dhanushkamath/CIFAR-10

    An IPython notebook demonstrating the process of Transfer Learning using pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras on the popular CIFAR-10 Image Classification dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8226
  • scottherford/IDC_BreastCancer

    Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) is the most common form of breast cancer. Accurately identifying and categorizing breast cancer subtypes is an important clinical task, and automated methods can be used to save time and reduce error. The goal of this script is to identify IDC when it is present in otherwise unlabeled histopathology images. The dataset consists of approximately five thousand 50x50 pixel RGB digital images of H&E-stained breast histopathology samples that are labeled as either IDC or non-IDC. These numpy arrays are small patches that were extracted from digital images of breast tissue samples. The breast tissue contains many cells but only some of them are cancerous. Patches that are labeled "1" contain cells that are characteristic of invasive ductal carcinoma. For more information about the data, see and

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7103
  • jfilter/deep-plots

    📉 Visualize your Deep Learning training in static graphics

  • maphdev/Deep_Visualization_Neural_Networks_Web_app

    Easy way to visualize convolutional neural networks, through two visualizations : Reason & MaxOut. Final version : web app.

  • wikke/Kaggle-Dogs-vs-Cats

    Dogs-vs-Cats image classification

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5200
  • ellolo/visual-keras

    Visualization techiques for deep learning neural networks using Keras

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3302
  • X-Ray_Bone_Classifier


    Convolutional Neural Network Architecture to classify Bone Fractures from X-Ray Images

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • DeepRoboticsResearch/AutoDL

    A Deep Learning Automation Framework Library based on keras, sklearn for the automation of the machine learning and deeplearning algorithms training.testing,metrics,comparative analysis and visualisations

  • nmcardoso/fitsbook-python

    FitsBook Python Library. Tool for generating real-time machine learning training statistics and storing model histories. Direct integration with Keras Framework.

  • abidmuin/TensorFlow-in-Practice-Specialization

    TensorFlow in Practice Specialization

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • drmerlot/Carnd-Behavioral-Cloning

    Project 3 of Term 1 in the Udacity Self Driving Car Nanodegree

  • Edgar-La/Brain-Tumor-Classification

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Feramonics/OSHA

    Open Source Health Analysis

  • Sidd0511/LSTM_rnn

  • TheNudibranch/Face-Recognition

    This is a repository for the code and various numpy files that going along with the face recognition project.

  • ArthDh/SpriteGAN

    A keras implementation of DCGAN to generate Pokèmon sprites.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • Gonnuru/Basketball_Prediction

    In this project I have used Advanced DeepLearning techniques with keras to predict the probability of win and lose of college basketball tournaments.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • jbegaint/hualos

    Keras Total Visualization project

  • maphdev/Deep_Visualization_Neural_Networks_Terminal

    Easy way to visualize convolutional neural networks, through two visualizations : Reason & MaxOut. First Version : Terminal.

  • nmcardoso/fitsbook

    Fitsbook React WebApp. Tool for generating real-time machine learning training statistics and storing model histories. Direct integration with Keras.
