
There are 102 repositories under ml-pipeline topic.

  • ML-Model-Pipeline

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • DMIA_ProductionML_2021_Spring

    Репозиторий направления Production ML, весна 2021

  • dataligo

    A library to accelerate ML and ETL pipeline by connecting all data sources

  • VevestaX


    2 Lines of code to track ML experiments + EDA + check into Github

    Language:Jupyter Notebook27
  • When-ML-pipeline-meets-Hydra


  • Machine-Learning-Pipelines

    From data gathering to model deployment. Complete ML pipeline using Docker, Airflow and Python.

  • awesome-mlops-kubernetes

    A curated list of awesome open source tools and commercial products that will help you train, deploy, monitor, version, scale, and secure your production machine learning on kubernetes 🚀

  • awesome-ml-pipelines

    A curated list of awesome open source tools and commercial products that will help you manage machine learning and data-science workflows and pipelines 🚀

  • heart-failure-detection

    Dicoding Submission MLOps Heart Failure Detection using ML Pipeline, Heroku Deployment and Prometheus Monitoring

  • rflow


    RFlow - A workflow framework for agile machine learning

  • HetNets-steering

    Repo containing Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) data from real car routes in Greece. It contains a reproducable notebook with the implementation of a Bidirectional LSTM Neural Network for real-time CQI forecasting in heterogeneous ultra-dense beyond-5G networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9
  • ml-pipeline

    Our goal with this ML pipeline template is to create a user friendly utility to drastically speed up the development and implementation of a machine learning model for all sorts of various problems.

  • Optimizing-an-ML-Pipeline-in-Azure

    Optimizing an ML Pipeline in Azure - A Machine Learning Engineer Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8
  • bodywork-pipeline-utils


    A package of utilities for engineering ML pipelines.

  • airflow-docker

    Install Airflow using docker

  • DVC-Mlflow-pipeline

    📅 A demo about versioning data and tracking ML experiments using DVC and Mlflow respectively.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3
  • ASyH

    The Anonymous Synthesizer for Health Data

  • ML_pipeline

    Machine Learning Project Pipeline

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3
  • Operationalizing-Machine-Learning-in-Azure

    This project is part of the Udacity Azure ML Nanodegree. In this project, we use Azure to configure a cloud-based machine learning production model, deploy it, and consume it. We also create, publish, and consume a pipeline.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3
  • mlflow_showcase

    Showcase of MLflow capabilities

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3
  • Disaster_Response_Pipeline

    This project, in collaboration with Figure Eight as part of Udacity's Data Science Nanodegree program, focuses on real-time message categorization for disaster events. It involves an ETL pipeline, ML pipeline, and Web app for classifying disaster response messages.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • ml-pipeline-using-stroke-data

    This project demonstrates the implementation of a ML pipeline and CI/CD using data on heart strokes. The pipeline includes data preprocessing, model training and evaluation, and deployment. The project leverages GitHub for version control and integration with GitHub actions for efficient and automated model updates.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • fake-news-classification

    Dicoding Submission MLOps Fake News Classification using ML Pipeline

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • mlops

    Repository contains the detail about ML model deployment and building end-to-end ML pipeline for production

  • sklearn-svm-classification-pipeline-api

    A flask api for text-classification with sklearn pipelines.

  • airflow_ml_ops

    Sample Airflow ML Pipelines

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • xmodel

    Multi Cloud Model Management System for Machine Learning

  • HousePricePredAPI

    ML api predict house price wrapped in Docker and deployed to AWS ECS/Fargate | #DE |#ML

  • join two datasets using spatial relations

  • udacity-disaster-response

    Disaster response project containing web app, ETL, ML pipelines

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • grazing-cira

    Cira set in production

  • ml-pipeline

    Creating an end-to-end machine learning pipeline, implementing experiment tracking with MLflow, and performing hyperparameter optimization using Optuna.

  • French-Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis

    This machine learning pipeline project aims to develop an ML model to identify customer sentiment from French-language tweets on social media.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • AMLS-Star-Galaxy-Classification

    This project is a full machine learning pipeline for Star/Galaxy classification using the SDSS dataset. It also contains a detailed report on the development and a DockerFile to easily replicate the results.

  • Generating-Composite-Proxy-Target-Variable-for-Machine-Learning-Models-of-Business-Decisions

    A multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)-based composite proxy target variable generation technique for business decision modeling that uses relevant features or independent variables conceptually related to the intended target variable.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • MLOPs_with_kedro

    simple MLOPs demo with kedro..
