
There are 30 repositories under perspective-transform topic.

  • JiayuZou2020/HFT

    [ICRA 2023] Official Pytorch implementation for HFT

  • sammdu/pyimgscan

    Take any phone-taken picture and turn it into a document scan.

  • Eric-Canas/Homography.js

    Lightweight, High-Performance and easy-to-use library for performing Affine, Projective or Piecewise Affine transformations over any Image or HTMLElement from only a set of reference points. In Javascript.

  • kushalchaudhari21/PerspectiveTransform

    A python script to get Perspective Transformed(birds eye view) version of an input image using OpenCV. This is analogous to the CamScanner select region feature.

  • Syun1208/eKYC-ID-Card-Detection

    This repository illustrates all of the progress in my internship program at UniCloud Group. Thanks to my leader, namely Kieu-Anh NT, and AI team members, I definitely complete my project with the state-of-the-art methods, and help eKYC services that can be updated a new function for users in banking application.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5101
  • cdemutiis/Advanced_Lanes_Detection

    Advanced Lanes Detection using camera calibration, gradient/colour thresholding, a bird's-eye view perspective transform, a sliding window search and quadratic polynomial fits

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4202
  • ttungl/SDC-term1-Advanced-Lane-Finding

    Detected highway lane boundaries on a video stream with OpenCV image analysis techniques, including camera calibration matrix, distortion correction, color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thresholded binary image, a perspective transform to rectify binary image ("birds-eye view"). Detected lane pixels and fit to find the lane boundary, determined the curvature of the lane and vehicle position with respect to center. Warped the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image.

  • IacopomC/CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines

    Image processing pipeline for detecting highway lane in a video

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • lesialin/image_warp

    image warp in c function

  • LTPhat/Sudoku-Solver

    A sudoku solver web application based on image processing techniques.

  • vinayaksharmagh/Autumn

    This project was created on Modern OpenGL . It simulates randomly falling particles (here leafs) . Simulation is free from any repetitive patterns

  • wasdac9/aadhaar-ocr

    Extract Aadhaar card details using Tesseract OCR

  • jianguoz/CarND1-Advanced-Lane-Detection-P4

    CarND Advanced Lane Detection. See my demo at

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • jinglebot/Advanced_Finding_Lane_Lines

    Python, Camera calibration and undistortion, Color and Gradient threshold, Warping and unwarping functions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • maggieezzat/Lane-Detection

    A cv2-based implementation of a self-driving car module responsible for lane lines detection under different lighting conditions, pavement textures and curves.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • parsfront/web-project-27

    Perspective CSS Project

  • Snigdho8869/Image-Segmentation-Projects

    Collection of notebooks for image segmentation tasks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • wlsmith42/Advanced-Lane-Lines

    Applied signal processing to dash-cam video feed to detect lane lines on the road and used numerical methods to derive approximate real-world measurements of the lane lines.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • ashishbhatiam/3d-card

    Demonstration of CSS 3D Transforms with JS.

  • boxreb14/CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines

    Created a pipeline to identify lane lines using various techniques like perspective transform, color gradients, detecting fit for the lanes, detecting curvature and finally warping all to the original image.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • celine-hsieh/Computer-Vision-and-Deep-Learning--ResNet50

    Background Subtraction/ Optical Flow/ Perspective Transform/ PCA/ Dogs and Cats classification Using ResNet50

  • ElektrischesSchaf/Basic_OpenCV

    with Microsoft Foundation Classes

  • eren-aydemir/Advanced-Lane-Lines

    image rectification, thresholding, perspective transform and sliding-window search implementation for lane lines

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • mikita-zhuryk/image-processing

    Image Processing FAMCS BSU Sem6 Course

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0201
  • nachomartinr/CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines-P4

    Udacity Advanced Lane Lines Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • royangkr/ARetail

    3D-reconstruction using GANs and plotting in AR

  • SABKI/Advanced-line-lane-detection

    In this project, I have used computer vision techniques to identify lane boundaries and compute the lane metrics (radius of curvature, Offset to the center).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • wubudubulubb/CarND1-AdvancedLaneFinding

    Project 4 forSelf driving car nanodegree

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • MengerWiggle


    L3 wiggles

  • trajkd/Advanced-Lane-Finding

    Advanced Lane Finding (project 2 of 9 from Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree)
