
There are 7 repositories under repeating-patterns topic.

  • pirate/gzint

    :scissors: A python3 library for efficiently storing massive integers (stands for gzipped-integer).

  • zafarrafii/REPET-Matlab

    REPeating Pattern Extraction Technique (REPET) in Matlab for audio source separation: original REPET, REPET extended, adaptive REPET, REPET-SIM, REPET-SIM online

    Language:Jupyter Notebook39028
  • zafarrafii/REPET-Python

    REPeating Pattern Extraction Technique (REPET) in Python for audio source separation: original REPET, REPET extended, adaptive REPET, REPET-SIM, online REPET-SIM

    Language:Jupyter Notebook32123
  • zafarrafii/uREPET-Matlab

    Matlab GUI for uREPET, a simple user interface system for recovering patterns repeating in time and frequency in mixtures of sounds.

  • zafarrafii/REPET-GUI-Matlab

    Matlab GUIs to demo the original REPET and REPET-SIM.

  • augustocorvalan/Patterns

    p5 experiments to generate repeating patterns

  • hongkiat/css3-repeating-gradients

    In this demo we extend CSS3 linear and radial gradients into repeating gradients. This demo also shows how to utilize this feature to create Paperline pattern.
