Matlab GUIs to demo the original REPET and REPET-SIM.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Matlab GUIs to demo the original REPET and REPET-SIM.


See also:

  • REPET-Matlab: REPET in Matlab for audio source separation.
  • uREPET-Matlab: Matlab GUI for uREPET, a simple user interface system for recovering patterns repeating in time and frequency in mixtures of sounds.


Matlab GUI to demo the original REPET.


Open Mixture

  • Select a WAVE or MP3 to open; the mixture can be mono or stereo.
  • Display the mixture signal and the mixture spectrogram; the x-axis limits of the mixture signal axes and the mixture spectrogram axes will be synchronized (and will stay synchronized if a zoom or pan is applied on any of the axes, including the background and foreground signal and spectrogram axes).

Play/Stop Mixture

  • Play the mixture if the playback is not in progress; stop the mixture if the playback is in progress; a playback line will be displayed as the playback is in progress.
  • If there is no selection line or region, the mixture will be played from the start to the end; if there is a selection line, the mixture will be played from the selection line to the end of the mixture; if there is a selection region, the mixture will be played from the start to the end of the selection region.


  • If a left mouse click is done on any signal axes (mixture, background, or foreground signal axes), a selection line is created; the audio will be played from the selection line to the end of the audio.
  • If a left mouse click and drag is done on any signal axes or on a selection line, a selection region is created; the audio will be played from the start to the end of the selection region and REPET will be applied only to the selection region.
  • If a left mouse click and drag is done on the left or right boundary of a selection region, the selection region is resized.
  • If a right mouse click is done on any signal axes, any selection line or region is removed.


  • Turn zooming on or off or magnify by factor (see https://mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/zoom.html)

  • If used on a signal axes, zoom horizontally only; the x-axis limits of all the signal axes and all the spectrogram axes will stay synchronized.



  • Apply the original REPET to the mixture signal or the selected region of the mixture signal if any.
  • Compute the beat spectrum and estimate the repeating period, and display them; the repeating period period can be changed by dragging the beat line or by selecting on the beat spectrum axes, which will update the background and foreground estimates.
  • Derive the background and foreground estimates from the mixture signal or the selected region of the mixture signal, and display their signals and spectrograms; the select, zoom, and pan tools will work the same way on the background and foreground signal and spectrogram axes.

Save Background

  • Save the background estimate as a WAVE file; the default name is "background_file.wav."

Play/Stop Background

Save Foreground

Play/Stop Foreground


Matlab GUI to demo REPET-SIM.


Open Mixture

Play/Stop Mixture


  • select or drag on a signal or spectogram axes (see Select/Drag).


  • Zoom on a signal or spectogram axes (see Zoom).


  • Pan on a signal or spectogram axes (see Pan).


  • Apply REPET-SIM to the mixture signal or the selected region of the mixture signal if any.
  • Compute the self-similarity matrix and display it, and estimate the repeating elements.
  • Derive the background and foreground estimates from the mixture signal or the selected region of the mixture signal, and display their signals and spectrograms; the select, zoom, and pan tools will work the same way on the background and foreground signal and spectrogram axes.

Save Background

Play/Stop Background

Save Foreground

Play/Stop Foreground


23 second audio excerpt from the song Que Pena Tanto Faz performed by Tamy.


  • Bryan Pardo, Zafar Rafii, and Zhiyao Duan. "Audio Source Separation in a Musical Context," Handbook of Systematic Musicology, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2018. [article]

  • Zafar Rafii, Antoine Liutkus, and Bryan Pardo. "REPET for Background/Foreground Separation in Audio," Blind Source Separation, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014. [article]

  • Zafar Rafii and Bryan Pardo. "Audio Separation System and Method," 13612413, March 2013. [URL]

  • Zafar Rafii and Bryan Pardo. "REpeating Pattern Extraction Technique (REPET): A Simple Method for Music/Voice Separation," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 21, no. 1, January 2013. [article]

  • Zafar Rafii and Bryan Pardo. "Music/Voice Separation using the Similarity Matrix," 13th International Society on Music Information Retrieval, Porto, Portugal, October 8-12, 2012. [article][slides]

  • Zafar Rafii and Bryan Pardo. "A Simple Music/Voice Separation Method based on the Extraction of the Repeating Musical Structure," 36th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22-27, 2011. [article][poster]
