
There are 5 repositories under singing-voice-separation topic.

  • ws-choi/ISMIR2020_U_Nets_SVS

    A PyTorch Implementation of the paper - Choi, Woosung, et al. "Investigating u-nets with various intermediate blocks for spectrogram-based singing voice separation." 21th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR. 2020.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook79669
  • zafarrafii/REPET-Matlab

    REPeating Pattern Extraction Technique (REPET) in Matlab for audio source separation: original REPET, REPET extended, adaptive REPET, REPET-SIM, REPET-SIM online

    Language:Jupyter Notebook39028
  • zafarrafii/REPET-Python

    REPeating Pattern Extraction Technique (REPET) in Python for audio source separation: original REPET, REPET extended, adaptive REPET, REPET-SIM, online REPET-SIM

    Language:Jupyter Notebook32123
  • SunnerLi/SVS-UNet-PyTorch

    The Pytorch implementation of the ISMIR 2017 paper

  • zafarrafii/REPET-GUI-Matlab

    Matlab GUIs to demo the original REPET and REPET-SIM.
