
There are 50 repositories under servos topic.

  • timhendriks93/blender-servo-animation

    Export your Blender animation to servo position values. They can be used with an Arduino compatible micro controller to move PWM-driven servos according to your animation.

  • Ball-Balancing-PID-System


    Ball Balancing PID System: control of a 2 axis platform for ball stabilization w/ visual servoing.

  • robotmaker/Arduino_SBUS

    This Arduino sketch expands the SBUS using an Arduino such as a small Ardiono Nano or ProMicro making the full 16 channels available on your FrSky compatile RC receiver (such as the XR8 or XR4) which would otherwise be limited to just a few PWM ports. This sketch gives additional possibilities with your RC projects such as proportional or pre-set control of servos, switching on landing lights, ativiating buzzers, launching parachutes, reading sensors on your RC model as remote telemetry data, etc. How it works? The arduino sketch merely "sniffs" the SBUS data arriving on the serial port and split the package into 16 channels. You are then able to configure and map the Arduino pins to any available RC channel as you like. It's only limited to the number of channels and the number of free I/O ports on your Ardiuno. The Arduino can be added 'in-line' with any other SBUS device on your RC model. Please note that only limited testing has been done on using various RC cars and drones. so don't use this device for any critical or non-critical control of your model without thorough testing. You use the solution and code at your own risk.

  • TheForgotensoul/3D-printed_Myo-electric-prosthetic-hand

    Welcome to 3D-printed Myo electric prosthetic hand Project. In this project we will build a bionic arm which can be controlled using myo electric sensors.

  • timhendriks93/blender-servo-animation-arduino

    This library helps to control servos based on an exported Blender animation. It is specifically designed to work with the Blender Servo Animation Add-on.

  • cherault/Kalman-on-Arduino-without-external-libraries

    I integrated a simple Kalman filter on Arduino to pilot two servo (x,y), without the need to have a specific library

  • ElizabethTeaches/PrecisionServo

    ATTiny library for controlling one or multiple servos

  • jwnicholas99/PiTracker

    🔭 A TensorFlow-Lite powered tracking rover.

  • ripred/TomServo

    Sophisticated Servo Power Management for the Discriminating User

  • CalvinBarajas/VisionRobotArm

    VisionRobotArm: A robot arm with the ability to "see" objects and separate them.

  • lss_driver


    Serial driver the Lynxmotion Smart Servo (LSS)

  • RadekVoltr/RP2040PioServos

    Servo library for up to 25 (32 is theoretical maximum) servos on Raspberry Pico.

  • pxt-microbit-microx


    An extension (beta) for MakeCode (pxt) environment for micro:bit hardware supporting multiple hardware modules.

  • msurguy/arduino-wiichuck-laser

    Arduino Wiichuck driven servos with a Laser

  • Mimic


    Desktop Robotic Arm Toy

  • jposada202020/MicroPython_PCA9685

    MicroPython Driver for the PCA9685 PWM control IC. Its commonly used to control servos, leds and motors.

  • matty0077/Servo-Controller

    simple control program to use with the adafruit 16 channel servo hat for the raspberry pi

  • temp3rr0r/HexapodBot

    HexapodBot - Arduino Pro Mini "spider" autonomous robot, with 6 legs (18 servos)

  • AljonViray/RobotDog

    A robot dog project, loosely based on "Stanford Pupper"

  • cherault/OpenCV-pilot-servos-x-y-on-Arduino

    This small project permit to pilot two servos (pan, tilt) on an Arduino through OpenCV.

  • cychitivav/servomechanism_2R

    Academic project for the servomechanisms class, which consists of the design of a 2R mechanism with its controller to follow a stylized 4-leaf clover trajectory.

  • Jgunde/RPi_PCA9685

    A Python package for the Raspberry Pi to control the PCA9685 16 Channel 12-bit PWM driver.

  • matty0077/Project-Nasbots

    a little bit of everything i learned this past summer. i wanted to give my raspberry pi a body and a personality. i used machine learning to to allow his experiences grow, grove sensors so that its aware, servos for the body. mine calls himself albert/rook he learns new words and how to uses them as you conversate and mood and perspective are based on how it experiences the environment. the goal is for everybody to have a bipedal robot that learns based on their own individual experiences.

  • MitchellShibilski-Unkel/ArdWheels

    Simplifies the movement of a servo in Arduino

  • pkoscielny/sun_tracker

    Project for tracking position of the sun based on ESP8266 device.

  • rooftopsolarsa/esp32-Solar-Data-Dashboard

    Electro/mechanical Solar Data Dashboard using an esp32, pca9685 controller, servos and ws2812b led's all Mounted on an A1 Frame

  • s373/samian000

    multipurpose lightweight fast firmware

  • 535tobor/TMSE-Code_Examples

    Tank, Mecanum, Servo, and Encoder Example Files

  • AdrianTheHacker/Arduino-Arm

    Here you will find the code for a robotic arm kit that I programmed. This was a project I made for my grade 11 TEJ3M course.

  • DiegoLHendrix/CPET_253

    Microcontroller Systems Labs

  • GRitchie1/RFIDRoboticArm-HNDGradedUnit

    This project was completed as part of my HND Mechatronics Graded Unit. This project was awarded an 'A' Grade. The client required a robotic arm to pick up, identify and sort items based on RFID codes.

  • Servo_with_joystick


    2 small servos controlled by a joystick

  • marceloquesada/RpyServo

    Simple python interface for working with servos in a Raspberry Pi

  • peterloes/SmartAnimalTraps

    Electrical applications for non-deadly animal traps built up with intelligent radio module, drive electronics for servomotors (flap drive) and drive electronics for different low power light barriers.

  • PGgit08/LaserTurret

    Laser Turret using Arduino Nano and Servos.

  • gregkrsak/HuskyTail

    Uses an Arduino and a linear actuator to wag the tail of a Home Depot outdoor husky decoration.
