
There are 36 repositories under tiago-robot topic.

  • jmguerreroh/tiago_simulator

    Material URJC Robotics Software Engineering Degree - Computer Vision. This package allows running different Gazebo worlds, including the AWS Robomaker worlds, using the Tiago robot from PAL Robotics.

  • edluffy/tiago_gym

    🦾 A ROS package to run Reinforcement Learning experiments, particularly pick and place tasks, on the TIAGo robot.

  • TheEngineRoom-UniGe/UE-DTForHRC

    This Digital Twin (DT) is developed on Unreal Engine. It replicates a logistic scenario where the robot and the human are supposed to work alongside to prepare an order.

  • FedericoPivotto/assistive-gym

    Assistive Gym, a physics-based simulation framework for physical human-robot interaction and robotic assistance. The repository provides an extension of the framework that includes the integration of the TIAGo robot and the addition of new simulation environments. - Federico Pivotto, UniPD BSc Thesis

  • marcomacchia99/TIAGo_Object_Grasping

    Assignment of Software Architecture regarding the implementation of a software for TIAGo robot capable of recognizing an object and grasp it

  • renan028/tiago_webots_ros2

    Tiago robot (Pal Robotics) integration with ROS2 and Navigation2

  • sairampolina/Inventory-Management-AGV

    This project involves the simulation of pick and place robot in ROS melodic.

  • mrhosseini75/TIAGo-manipulator-controller

    TIAGo++ manipulator controller Pick and place demo

  • aliy98/nav2-keepout-zone

    Navigation in ROS2 with Nav2 introduced a lot of new features and possibilities. The goal of this assignment is to explore and test the new feature of navigating in a known environment while avoiding user-defined “keep out areas”.

  • prchinmay/retail_store_robot

    ROS code for robot TIAGO++ which assists customers at a retail store to fetch products.

  • aip-primeca-occitanie/tiago_arm_effort_controller

    TIAGo Steel's implementation of a dual controller (in pose and effort) for the robotic arm.

  • AlbertoFormaggio1/Assignment_2_Intelligent_Robotics

    Assignment 2 of the Intelligent Robotics course held by Emanuele Menegatti at the University of Padova. The goal is to make Tiago move between 2 rooms and use its robotic arm to pick objects on a table and releasing them on cylindric tables

  • cristiancristea00/tiago-mask-checker

    Demo application for TIAGo from PAL Robotics to check if a person is wearing a mask correctly and that their temperature is under some threshold value

  • LoreBene99/SofAR_Assignment1

    The first assignment of "Sofwtare Architectures for Robotics" is about testing and exploring the capabilities of new localization and mapping framework with different map layouts, using the Nav2 package for robot navigation and SLAM Toolbox for 2D mapping (ROS2).

  • romain-perrot/EmotivBCI-Controlled-Robot

    This project focuses on developing a BCI-controlled robotic assistant using the TIAGo++ robot parallel gripper from PAL Robotics for object grasping tasks. By leveraging Emotiv's Epoch+ headset, I aim to enable intuitive control of robotic grasping through mental commands, enhancing accessibility and efficiency in assistive robotics.

  • Xhst/tiago_roxanne

    CNR (National Research Council of Italy) internship project on timeline-based planning, using ROS (rospy) and the TIAGo robot on the Gazebo simulator.

  • alexisseurin/2-Unity-VR-Tiago-Robot

    Tiago Robot - Unity

  • Fonz98/Intelligent-Robotics

    Projects developed for the Intelligent Robotics course @ UniPD

  • francomano/ukf_test

    In this project we proposed a tracking control strategy for a tracked mobile robot under longitudinal slip condition. The proposed control strategy is based on the dynamic model of the tracked robot, in which the longitudinal slip of the left and right tracks are described by two unknown parameters.

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  • jkaniuka/STERO_21Z

    ROS-based project for Robot Control and Simulation course at Warsaw University of Technology.

  • mirovix/ProjectsPapers

    Reports and papers of different project completed

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  • Piero24/Intelligent-Robotics_project_23-24

    Project for the Intelligent Robotics course at the university of Padua 2023-2024

  • rayvburn/tiago_webots_ros2

    ROS2 and Navigation2 integration of TIAGo robot running in Webots simulator

  • uniwa-gravastars/ScirocEpisode1

    This is the official Github repo of the GravaStars team of University of West Attica, for the remote participation in the Second SciRoc Challenge 2021, Episode 1, E01: Coffee Shop. This work was awarded with the second place in the SciRoc Challenge 2021 competition.

  • AlbertoFormaggio1/Assignment_1_Intelligent_Robotics

    Assignment 1 of the Intelligent Robotics course held by Emanuele Menegatti at the University of Padova. In this assignment, LiDAR scans must be used to find the coordinates of circular objects inside a room, thus discarding walls

  • AlejandroGB18/3D-Environment-Recreator

    Repository focused on the development of a minimum viable product for our reasearch.

  • aonurakman/ROS-Pick-n-Place

    Pick and Place with TIAGO Robot in ROS - 2023 - University of Padua

  • christymanthara/Ros-noetic-Tiago-navigate-and-detect

    ROS noetic project with a tiagobot to navigate to a narrow corridor and scan at the end

  • christymanthara/Ros-noetic-tiago-pick-and-place

    ROS noetic project with a tiagobot to perform pick and place

  • Davidelanz/ros1_tiago_docker

    Docker enabled TIAGo++ ROS workspace

  • FrancescoMonaco/TiagoMovePickPlace

    Navigate in the environment, recognize objects using AprilTags, pick and place objects, recognize obstacles using laser and camera (project for Intelligent Robotics)

  • iamjadhav/enpm808x_final_inspection_robot

    Final Project for the Course ENPM808X Software Development for Robotics

  • lwachowiak/HRI-Video-Survey-on-Preferred-Robot-Responses

    Code and data for the paper "When Do People Want an Explanation?", presented at HRI'24

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  • MatteoCarlone/TIAGo_robot_Vocal_Controller

    ROS software architecture to perform some basic control on the PAL Robotics TIAGo robot through vocal commands.

  • RIS-WITH/tiago_resources_management

    This is a meta package grouping necessary components to manage physical resources of the Tiago robot.
