
ROS2 and Navigation2 integration of TIAGo robot running in Webots simulator

Primary LanguagePython


Metapackage with TIAGo robot definitions for Webots simulator with ROS2 interface


Main contribution of this repository is ready-to-use TIAGo Iron robot driver for Webots with ROS2 interface. The metapackage is based on turtlebot3 metapackage for ROS2 with a great effort of renan028, who tuned the navigation parameters.

Since basic WebotsDifferentialDrive node does not publish all joints' Transform Frames (tf2_ros), therefore some of the transformations are hard-coded based on .proto file translation and rotation values.

One may notice that a custom .proto for Hokuyo Lidar was defined (based on Cyberbotics' HokuyoUrg04lxug01.proto). This is due to the fact that default Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01 has a wider fieldOfView than the mobile base construction allows. Therefore, edges of the Lidar niche were marked as obstacles in a costmap.


Default, intralogistics world:

ros2 launch tiago_webots_ros2_driver tiago_webots.launch.py
ros2 launch tiago_webots_ros2_navigation tiago_navigation.launch.py use_sim_time:=true

Example world known from TurtleBot3 simulation:

ros2 launch tiago_webots_ros2_driver tiago_webots.launch.py world:=$(ros2 pkg prefix tiago_webots_ros2_driver --share)/worlds/turtlebot3_burger_example.wbt
ros2 launch tiago_webots_ros2_navigation tiago_navigation.launch.py use_sim_time:=true map:=$(ros2 pkg prefix tiago_webots_ros2_driver --share)/resource/map/turtlebot3_burger_example.yaml


  • TODO: prep rviz for driver pkg
  • TODO: how to get a perfect map of the world?
  • TODO: transforms to caster links
  • TouchSensor driver