Pinned issues
- 8
Stem is unmaintained!
#154 opened by kkarhan - 2
- 8
Development version is lower than released version
#123 opened by jorti - 6
Need to be able to find v3 Introduction Points
#126 opened by emdee-is - 1
Update dirauth details
#150 opened by juga0 - 0
Four tests fail on s390x
#149 opened by mcepl - 3
- 2
- 9
- 2
`zstd` vs. `zstandard`
#143 opened by mtelka - 0
`test_decompress_zstd` fails with `zstd` installed
#142 opened by mtelka - 0
http vs. https in LICENSE
#141 opened by mtelka - 6
- 1
failed to detect python in AppImage
#139 opened by Brensom - 7
- 2
- 1
noisy log: [stem] INFO: Error while receiving a control message (SocketClosed): received exception "peek of closed file"
#112 opened by milahu - 4
zombie processes after shutdown signal.
#131 opened by 23cku0r - 3
Documentation website missing content
#129 opened by stevenengler - 2
pyca cryptography removed int_from_bytes, so it need to be removed from preque check
#118 opened by orangepizza - 1
- 14
i am try to run this first tutorial , but its not working ?
#104 opened by jakbin - 1
- 0
set_options method in checks for deprecated collections.Iterable instance
#121 opened by Jammin93 - 3
- 1
stem + asyncio
#114 opened by kaa-szhk - 3
- 12
Broken on Python 3.10
#109 opened by cculianu - 4
- 1
When parsing documents, use "aware" (UTC) rather than "naive" dates/times
#107 opened by stevenengler - 1
Python 3.9 warning
#105 opened by ineiti - 5
1.8.0: pytest is failing
#103 opened by kloczek - 4
1.8.0: sphinx 4.0.2 warnings
#102 opened by kloczek - 1
Spec compliance
#97 opened by atagar - 0
Removing v2 Onion Code
#100 opened - 1
Missing SENDME support on circuits
#95 opened by dgoulet-tor - 4
Example not working
#94 opened by Jiw0cha - 3
Retrieve extra-info descriptors via control port
#93 opened by juga0 - 2
- 0
Add Descriptor validate() method
#90 opened by atagar - 7
- 1
Is it possible can_exit_to returns True for non exits, maybe cause missing the descriptor?
#88 opened by juga0 - 1
Implement NetworkStatusDiff Document
#87 opened by jbrown299 - 1
- 1
Add CACHE_FILE_NAME to each "descriptor"
#85 opened by jbrown299 - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
Descriptor from_str() lacks type detection
#80 opened by atagar - 2
Not receiving any Stream Events
#79 opened by aaronst