
dockernize redmine include some plugins

Primary LanguageDockerfile

WARNING: This has not been updated anymore.


No need other steps to use Redmine with docker!

Including SVN & Git hosting!


Setup docker engine https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/

docker run -d --name redmine --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 74th/redmine-all-in-one

access http://dockerhost/

  • user: admin
  • password: admin

Repository URL


docker run -d --name redmine --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 74th/redmine-all-in-one:JP

include English default data

docker run -d --name redmine --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 74th/redmine-all-in-one:EN


included plugins


  • subversion is able to be created at only creating a project
  • git repositories don't have authentication

how to configure redmine

If you use need to change settings(ex, mail), you an cwrite [[config/configuration.yml.example]] and push settings by belong command.

docker cp ./configuration.yml redmine:/var/lib/redmine/config/configuration.yml
docker restart redmine


Repositories and other created files are not plased in a volume. I think when you want to make a backup, you can use docker export containername > backup.tar and docker import backup.tar redmine.

I'm not an expert on RoR and redmine. So don't have a plan to prepare a way to upgrage Redmine in a container.