A ROS2 migration of the nps_uw_multibeam_sonar package for the Blueview m450, Blueview p900, Oculus m1200d and Seabat f50 multibeam sonars.
- ROS2 Galactic
- Gazebo 11
- NVIDIA GPU with at least 4GB memory
- NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit (installation guide here and architecture compatibility here)
This plugin was developed and tested using:
- CUDA 11.7
- NVIDIA driver 515.43.04
- ros-galactic-image-pipeline
- ros-galactic-velodyne-simulator
- ROS2 hydrographic messages
Multibeam sonar Gazebo plugin with NVIDIA Cuda library
All the command lines are the same as ROS1 but with the ROS2 key words. https://github.com/Field-Robotics-Lab/dave/wiki/Multibeam-Forward-Looking-Sonar